Chapter 76

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I was a nervous wreck

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I was a nervous wreck. Today was the day I was going to take Athena on a date and re-propose. Our last day in Italy. I was able to talk with Caius and got his approval again as well as Sam's however, it was filled with several threats. Which does not surprise me.

I was going to take her to the Eiffel tower. She has always wanted to go at night time. I was able to pull some strings so we could go even after closing time.

"You ready Athena?" I asked.

"Yes just one more second." She says.

When she comes out, she looks so gorgeous. "Wow" I says.

"Does it look okay?" She asked.

"You look stunning and I can see a little bump starting" I tell her with a soft smile.

"Well papa said it would be a pretty quick pregnancy." She says.

"I know. I cannot wait to make this journey with you even if our little bean comes quickly." I say giving her a kiss.

"Alright, you ready to go?" She asks excitingly.

"Yes lets go!" I say grabbing her hand.

We both head out and it doesn't take long for us to get there. Her face started to lite up as soon as she saw the lit up tower.

"It's even more beautiful than I thought." She whispers.

"Not as beautiful as you mi amor" I tell her brushing a piece hair behind her ear. "Come on let's go to the top" I say pulling her gently to the tower.

As we reached the top, I couldn't help but admire her beauty.

"So I have been trying something with my shield powers and I wanna try it on you now that we are alone. Is that okay?" She asked.

"Of course" I says.

Before I knew what was happening, I was pulled into what seemed like a flash back of our memories.

Flash back

"I'm Athena Uley. Sam's Twin." As soon as I said that his eyes go wide.

"Well I did not see that coming." He says.

"Yeah me either."

It was silent for a few minutes. "So my mate is a shifter"

"Well not exactly but I see my imprint is a vampire."

"Imprint?" He asks.

"Yes. It's essentially the same as a mate except the wolf will be anything they person needs. A friend, sibling, protector, or lover." I say.

He nods his head. "What did you mean by not exactly?" He asked.

"Oh that's a story for another time. Maybe after the first date. Depends on how nice i am feeling." I say letting out a chuckle.

"Well then I better get to planning a date huh?" He says.

"Completely up to you Cullen."


"The day you ran into me in the hospital hallway was the best day of my life. I had been waiting for you for so long and there you finally were. So gorgeous, beautiful, and breath taking. Over these last three months have been nothing but amazing with you. You and Jasmine have brought such a joy into my life. Athena, I have fallen for you. The way you laugh when it's late at night and you're tired, how you curl into me during a scary movie wanting protection, the way you care for Jasmine and the kids, how your nose scrunches up cutely, the way your eyes light up when it's raining outside, the way you bite your lip when concentrate, your love and compassion for your job and so much more. But most importantly Athena, I love you. And I am in love with you." I tell her.

Tears start to pool in her eyes. She leans her head into my hand and closes her eyes. When she opens them she looks into mine again. "Carlisle when I imprinted on you I had a lingering buzz feeling. I had butterflies in my stomach and felt like a school girl having a crush. You have been so accepting of what I am, who I am, and of Jasmine. You've stepped up to be the father she needs and wants. I have fallen for you too. The way you protect your family, how series you take your job, the way you chuckle at the guys when they are being dumb, how you hold Jasmine when she wants to cuddle, the way you eyes light up when we walk into a room, your smile and more. Carlisle, I love you too. And I am in love with you."


My little hybrid I have missed you so much." I say to her softly and kiss her head causing her to shiver from the affection.

Flashback over

"Wow, what was that? How did you do that?" I asked amazing by her.

"I am not sure. Just one day I figured out I could project my shield and tried doing it with memories and it worked." She says shyly.

"You amaze my Athena. Everything that you do is perfect. You love for the pack, my kids, and even Jasmine and Jackson. You took them in when they had no one. You didn't have to but you did. You have brought natural enemies together in peace with your love and peace. I was such a fool to let a teenage boy drag me away from you and I will forever make it up to you and make sure you know what I will never do that again. Athena, mi amor, you are the light of my life. You make me want to be a better man, you encourage me to do better, and the way you love me is indescribable. From the moment I met you in that hospital, I fell head over heels for you. You've shown me what it means to love someone and yourself, and you have given me two greatest gifts of all my new adoptive kids as well as our own little mircale. So Athena, will you do me the amazing honor in becoming my wife?" I say with my eyes full of venom tears and show her the ring.


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