Chapter 29

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It has been 2 days now and the Cullen's are going to play baseball this evening

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It has been 2 days now and the Cullen's are going to play baseball this evening. Jasmine is still sick so I am not going. Plus Bella was going to be there so I did not want to deal with her annoying whining ass.

Jasmine and I already had some dinner and now sitting in the living room on our big couch stretched out with Jasmine on top of me. We are watching Disney movies. That is all we have done today. It has made her happier to that makes my heart happier seeing my baby smiling and giggling. I am rubbing her back softly for her just trying to keep her more relaxed.

"Mommy" I hear Jasmine whisper.

"Yes princess"

"Thank you for taking care of me" she says snuggling into my chest.

"Jasmine, I will always take care of you. No matter what. Mommy will always be here for you." I say softly kissing her head.

"I love you mommy"

"I love you princess"

We continued to cuddle and it is closer to her bath time now. "Come on princess. Let's get you a bath then you can lay in my bed and watch movies while I clean up okay?" I say.

"Okay mommy."

I get my sweet girl in the bath and help her clean up. Once she was done I dried her off and got her dressed. She looked so sad. I kissed her forehead and then laid mine against hers. She started to sniffle.

"I am sorry you do not feel good." I whisper softly to her.

"I-I-its okay mommy" she says.

I hurry and get her back in my bed and wrap her up. I then go and take my shower. As I am almost finished the door opens I look and see Jasmine crying hard.
"M-m-mommy, I-I-I c-c-ca-a-n't b-bre-eath" she says.

Oh shit. I hurry up and get out.
"Jasmine, mommy needs you to take a deep breath in and out okay? Can you do that while I get dressed?"

I quickly get dressed as fast as I can. Once I am dressed, I grab her and wrap her up in the a blanket. I grab my phone and call Sam

"I need you here now Sam." And hang out. I hurry up and grab my shoes and put them on. As I grab my keys and open the door I see a panicked Sam.

"Drive me to the hospital now. I do not care if you speed." I say.

We jumped in and took off. I called the ER staff and told them we were coming in.

Sam pulled up to the ER entrance and I carried her in. She was still struggling to breathe. "Please help her. She has been sick for about 4 days now. The medicine should have helped by now and it is not. She is having trouble breathing." I tell them in a rushed tone.

"Okay Dr. Uley, we will take care of her. Please just breathe we will do all we can. You can take a seat over here while we run some tests."

My phone kept ringing but I did not care at this moment. Jasmine was my main concern and priority. It feels like hours have passed since I talked to a doctor. I was pacing back and forth and my inner wolf was scratching to get out and protect her pup.

"I am waiting 5 more minutes and if I do not see a doctor or nurse here to see what is going on I will do it myself." I tell Sam.

I kept pacing and still no one came so I had enough. I walked up to the front desk and lost my shit. "Is there a fucking doctor here to look at my 3 year old who can barely breathe or do I need to break protocol and do it my damn self. We have been here for over an hour and her breathing is getting worse. As head of pediatrics I will rain hellfire on who ever is on my staff if they do not take this seriously." I growl out.

I am cut off by a machine beeping and going into flatline. No, no. This cannot be happening. I look over and see her seizing on the table. I get ready and step in myself to take care of her when Sam grabs me.

"No Sam let me go. That is my daughter. Let me go." I scream and fight against him.

"A, I need you to breathe. They are helping her. Look, they are handling it." He says.

I finally stop fighting him and just break down in his arms. He pulls me tighter against him.

After 20 minutes we finally see Dr. Smith show up. "It's nice to see that one of my staff members finally showed up to do their job when my daughter started seizing." I say with venom. I could be utterly terrifying when I needed to be.

"I apologize for that Dr. Uley. We got results back. Jasmine's fever spiked to 103 causing the seizure but we also found that she has a severe case of pneumonia. What started off as a common flu/cold ended up turning into pneumonia so that it why the medication wasn't working. We have her in a room and is now on an oxygen ventilator with antibiotics to help with the infection. We are lucky you got her in when you did, not much longer and we do not know if she would've survived this serve case. Of course we recommend her staying at least 2 days as you are aware of that, but we will keep her longer if the case gets worse. For the trouble we have caused by waiting so long to help your daughter, we placed an extra bed in there for you to stay with her as much as you want." Dr. Smith says.

I do not even respond I just go straight to my daughter with Sam behind me.
"Hey, I called Emily. She is stopping at your place and bringing you some clothes for you to have. Is there anything else?"

"If she doesn't mind, have her wash my favorite throw blanket and bring it with her so jasmine can have it. Oh and can you grab the stuffed wolf that looks like Paul. It is her favorite." I ask.

"Of course. I will call her then be back. I am not leaving my little sister and niece right now." He says.

I start to tear up. "I love you Sammy. Thank you."

"I love you Athena" he says kissing my head.

My little girl. It breaks my heart seeing her like this. I curl up next to her the best I can and just hope she gets better.

Meanwhile....a family of vampires are going crazy because a tracker is after Bella. Edward and Carlisle have tried calling Athena. Edward more than anyone wanting her powers to be used. The more she ignores the calls the angrier he gets. By the end of the day and Bella ends up in the hospital he is angry at his mother for not being there for him when she needed him. This all could have been prevented if she was there.

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