Chapter 43

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It is Christmas Eve and it's been 6 days since Athena called me and I let it go to voicemail

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It is Christmas Eve and it's been 6 days since Athena called me and I let it go to voicemail.

I haven't gained enough strength to listen to it until today. Today was suppose to be our wedding rehearsal and tomorrow be our wedding but I left.

I am sitting in my office looking down at this voicemail and all I have to do is press play to hear it. Well here goes nothing.

"Hi. I'm uh not really sure if you will get this or not but in case you do, I want you to know I put all the wedding stuff in your office. Since I wasn't enough for you maybe you can use all of those things for the girl that is enough for you. My dress, ring, and Jasmine bracelet is there too. I want to hate you so much for doing this to me. Anyways, it is time I move on and get over you. I hope whoever you find gives you everything I couldn't. Goodbye."

Oh what have I done. Her voice was cracking and she was whimpering though the whole message. It was hurting me to hear her like this. She thinks I want someone else and that there will be someone else. Plus she's wanting to move on. I get up and start pacing. I don't even realize I am pacing almost the entire house.

I am brought out of my thoughts when Alice spoke up. "What's wrong Carlisle?"

I stop moving and rub my hand over my face.
"I listened to Athena's voice mail." I say and then replay it for everyone else to hear.

"Oh Carlisle." Alice says.

"I see she took my advice on that coffee date" Rose says.

I snap my head over to her. "What did you say? Have you been in contact with her?" I asked.

"Yes I have. I never lost it either because unlike the rest of you she is my mother and we shouldn't have left her or Jasmine. They were apart of us and you let a fucking moody asshole make our decisions for us and pushes us away from mom. Over a damn blood bag. Mom was an actual mate and you were her imprint. This isn't and wasn't fair to mom. So yes I have been in contact with her and I don't plan on stopping either because I love her more than to just drop her like she meant nothing to us." Rose said.

"Why would you encourage my mate to date someone else?" I ask laced with venom.

"Oh she's your mate now? Was she your mate when you walk away from her? Did you really except to just walk away and her not move on to someone else? Is that what you want? For you to just leave and do as you please but her sit back at home hoping and praying you'd come back someday but never would? That's fucking messed up if you thought that." Jasper finally snapped.

"Jasper how can you side with Rose? Carlisle is our adoptive father. We should support him." Alice says.

Jasper looks at her in shocked. "Really? So if he wanted us to be apart and never see each other again would you support that? Would you support just walking away from me because he said so?" Jasper asked.

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