Chapter 44

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It is now January

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It is now January. The kids are back in school and I started back to work from my week off. The boys are on edge more because the red head keeps coming back and we do not know why.

I have told Jackson and Jasmine to stay out of the woods unless someone is with them at all times. We also have a new shifter. Embry Call. He shifted a couple days after the new year. He's gotten the hang of things for the most part. We've discovered he is the soul uncle to both Jackson and Jasmine. Kind of similar to how Caius is my soul father. It is just extra protection without it being an imprint bond.

We also found out that he's mine and Sam's half brother. What a great father we have. Not. Anyways Embry has been bitching about how Bella is leading Jacob on and that's she's just a total bitch.

"Embry I could've told you that. She literally blamed me for her getting attacked last year by a nomad when Jasmine was in the hospital sick. She said if I was there I could've protected her with my powers and blah blah blah. But I told her if I had to go back in time I'd hand her over" I say with a shrug causing the guys to laugh.

A couple have now passed and Today I had several check ups and a few first time moms. During one of my breaks I kept thinking about messaging Caleb about our coffee date. Instead of thinking too much into it, I go ahead and text him.

Athena: hey! It's after the new year so does that coffee date still stand?

It wasn't much longer that he had responded.

Caleb: of course it does. How about tomorrow after I get off work. Say around 6?

Athena: sounds perfect! :)

Caleb: I'm looking forward to it! :)

The rest of the day I had a smile on my face. An actual real genuine smile. When I got off work I went to the pack house and saw Sam and Emily there.

"Sam can I ask you a question?" I say.

"Of course sis" he says.

"If an imprinter is in the friend stage or not really any stage, can they still go out on a date with someone else? Or are they solely focused on them?" I ask.

He looks at me confused for a second. I let out a huff and just tell him.

"Caleb the nurse from the hospital has been asking me out on a date for months. And today I actually took him up on the offer and the date is tomorrow. I guess I just want to know if since I'm not in any stage for my imprint does that allow me to go on this date?" I asked him scared of his answer.

"Athena not to sound harsh, but Carlisle rejected you but without saying the words since he left. Leaving you in a position to be a friend or protector but for you it's just you kinda being there now. So fuck Carlisle and get back out there. You shouldn't wait around hoping he comes back. You deserve happiness." Sam says.

We continued to talk and when I got the kids home from school I decided to talk with them too.

"Jackson, Jasmine, how would you feel if mommy started dating?"

"You deserve to be happy momma. I just hope he treats you better than the other dickhead." Jackson says. I gasped.

"Jackson you do not say that. That's a bad word." I say trying not to laugh and be serious.

"Sorry! Paul says it all the time I thought it was okay!" He says.

"Well don't listen to Paul ever." I say laughing.

I then look at Jasmine and see she's looking upset. "What if he becomes our new daddy and we get hurt again?" Jasmine asks.

"Princess mommy is just going to hang out with the guy and see if he would be a good fit to be around us. Just because mommy is going out on a date or two with him won't make him your new daddy until I know for sure he won't hurt you two. Okay?" I say to them.

They both nod their heads in understanding. I go and start dinner for us. Once it was finished and we ate, the kids did their homework, cleaned up and went to bed.

The next day work flew by. Emily offered to get the kids so I could go straight home and get ready for my date. I didn't want anything over the top so I went with heeled ankle boots, dark blue skinny jeans, a white turtle neck and jacket over it since it was a little cold outside. Being a hybrid I don't get the full body temperature like the others but I still have a higher temperature.

It wasn't long until I heard a truck horn beeping. I look out the window and see Caleb is here. He came and knocked on my door and has a red rose.

"Here this is for you!" He says. I lifted it up to my nose to smell.

"Thank you it's beautiful." I says.

"No you look beautiful." He says rubbing the back of his neck smiling.

"Thanks. You look handsome. I've never seen you in anything but scrubs." I say looking at his dark blue jeans and black v neck shirt. I also noticed how he filled the shirt out very well.

"Yeah well it's more comfortable in this. Are you ready to go?" He asked.


I lock up the house and head over to his truck. He helps me up since it is a higher up truck.

The conversation there was simple and comfortable. Once we got to the coffee shop I ordered my drink and a sandwich with a little pastry on the side. When we sat down we started talking more.

He talked about his childhood and his memories. I ended up talking some about my childhood as well leaving about the abuse. We laughed at each other's stories. It's was pretty comfortable until he asked that one question.

"I really hate to ruin a good date by asking but what happened between you and Carlisle? I just want to understand so I can not do whatever he did" he says. I shift awkwardly on the chair for a minute.

"Well we both got the new jobs and his was further away. The distance started to become too hard on us and after a while with our work schedules and then having Jasmine and then taking in Jackson it was hard staying in touch more and making time for each other. It just was best to split up since we have different lives now." I say lying.

I felt sorta bad but who wants to tell a cute date
"Oh well my ex fiancé and his family are vampires and his son wanted to date his singer. It was just a whole dramatic mess and they left without saying goodbye"
Like no they will think I'm insane and never speak to me again.

Caleb nodded his head understanding the distance. "Well I hope I can help in your healing process and maybe something could come out of this." He says.

"Well I will warn you now. I want to take it slow. Please. I don't want to rush into anything and then it come crashing down" I say to him.

"That's understandable." He says.

We continued our date and by the end of the evening we were laughing and joking around. It was nice. He took me home and walked me up to my door and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks for agreeing to go on this date. I had a great time tonight Athena" he says.

"Yes me too. I'm glad I finally caved and messaged you about taking that offer." I say.

We then told each other goodnight and went on our way. As I walked into the house I got scared shitless seeing a pack of wolves and wolf pups sitting in the living room waiting for details.

Uhg. What am I going to do with them.

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