Chapter 18

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Two weeks have gone by too fast

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Two weeks have gone by too fast. It is now Jasmine's first day of pre-school. I was a sobbing mess all night not ready to let me baby go. I know I haven't had her for a year yet, but she is still my little girl.

She had asked if everyone could be there with her. I ended up having a meeting with Carlisle and Sam together.
Flash back 2 nights ago
"Hey Carlisle can you come with me to the treaty line please. Sam Is going to meet us there." I say.

"Yeah is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yes it is fine."

We reach the line and I see the boys waiting for us.
"Hey sis. Everything okay?"

"Jasmine and I were talking before she went to bed about her starting school in two days. She asked me if everyone was going to be there. Meaning you boys and the Cullen's.  I told her I did not know but I would ask. She wants all of you guys there for her first day off the pre-school. So can you mange 10 minutes of being around each other for your daughter, niece, and little sister?" I asked them.

It was quiet for a few minutes.
"I don't see a problem with it. She doesn't ask for much so I'm okay with it." Carlisle says.

The guys look kind of on edge about being in Forks. I keep looking at Sam waiting for an answer.
"Yes, that will be fine. I would do anything for my niece. But once she is inside we will be coming back here." Sam said.

"That is fine. Thank you for doing this."
Flashback over

It is now her first day of school. I haven't told her about the families meeting us there to see her off. We wanted it to be a surprise.

I woke up and made her pancakes and cut up some fruits for her. I went and woke her up. "Princess, its time to wake up."

She started to whine rolling around. "I tired mama." She says,

"I know baby but mama made your favorite. Pancakes with strawberries and bananas." I say picking her up. I walk us to the dining room and place her plate of food and juice in front of her. As she starts eating, I make her lunch. I also make sure everything in her bag is packed and ready.

After she ate, I got her dressed, helped her brush her teeth, and then turned on some cartoons to distract her while I was getting ready. I also had to get my bag ready for work. Once everything was together, I got her in her car seat buckled in. I then got in and headed to the pre-school.

I started to tear up a little bit on the way thinking about her growing up so fast. As I pulled in I saw the pack and the Cullen's standing to the side waiting for me. I parked to where Jasmine wouldn't see them. I helped her out and made sure her backpack was on.

"Okay princess I have one more surprise for you okay?" I tell her.

She nods her head and I hold her hand walking around the truck. As we round the truck, she sees everyone and lights up with the biggest smile on her face. She squeals and pulls me along with her to see everyone.

Everyone is giving her hugs and wishing her good luck. It was time to take her to her room now and sign her in. As she is telling everyone bye she grabs my hand and walks with me a few steps and then stops. She squeezes my hand tighter. I look down at her and see she is scared and has tears forming in her eyes.

I bend down to her level and take her face in my hands. "Princess what's wrong."

"It's so big. And I'm so little. You won't be here mama. I-I-I'm gonna miss you mama." She says sniffling latching onto me.

I try my hardest not to cry. I then feel a hand on my back and look to see Carlisle standing there with us. "Daddy, I don't wanna go." She says looking at him.

"Oh but princess you will get to have so much fun. You'll get to make new friends and play all day. You will have such a great time."

"Yeah?" She asks.

"Yes princess. And daddy will be here with mommy to pick you up at the end of the day okay?"

She sniffles a little more. She grabs both our hands and walks towards the school entrance. Carlisle tags along because Jasmine is holding on tight to him as well.

I walk up to one of the works and ask for directions to Jasmine's class. The three of us walk in and I see her teacher Ms. Smith. She looks up and sees us with Jasmine.

"Hi, I am Ms. Smith. This must be Jasmine." She says bending down to shake Jasmine's hand. She then pops back up shakes my hand. "Hi. Dr. Uley. It is good to see you again."

"You too Ms. Smith."

I look over to see Jasmine already playing with some of the kids. My heart breaks a little knowing she's already gotten over not wanting to be here. I feel Carlisle hold me tighter by the waist.

"She will be fine. If we have any problems you know we will call you okay?" Ms. Smith says.

"Yeah, I know." I tell her. We have to get ready and leave. "Jasmine, sweetie, daddy and I have to leave." I tell her.

She comes up to us and gives us both big hugs. "We love you princess." I tell her.

"I love ou too mommy and daddy." She says. As we release she goes back to playing with her toys and other kids.

Carlisle has to hand guide me out because I don't want to leave. Once we get outside I don't even notice everyone still there. Carlisle walks me over to the truck and I just lose it bawling into his chest.

"She is going to be fine Athena. She may not be your blood but she is your daughter and has your attitude. That little girl will be running that place soon. It's okay to be sad she is growing up, but now you get to watch her grow into a beautiful young girl." Carlisle says.

I nod my head and wiping away my tears. Everyone comes over and gives me a hug goodbye and I head to work with Carlisle. Everything turned out like he said they would. Jasmine was fine and had a great day. Everything was going to be okay.

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