Chapter 59

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I was pissed

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I was pissed. So fucking pissed. This asshole phased and tried getting my daughter and put Jared's life at risk. When I got to the woods I phased and went straight to Billy's. I had enough of Jacob being like this. One thing the pack doesn't know yet is I have the power to make a wolf a lone wolf with a single bite. Doesn't matter if they are in wolf form or human, my wolf can do it.

When I get to Billy's, I see Bella is still here. I bust into the house ready to kill. Billy is sitting watching tv.

"He's in the room. Bella is in there too. Please get that girl out of my house. I don't want her here." He says.

"Do you know what's happened?" I asked.

"Yes. Sam called me and told me what was happening before he had to go in the OR with you. I'm disappointed in my son. Do what you must Omega." He says.

I walk in and see them making out on his bed. I grab Bella's hair and pull her off of him.

"Get the fuck out of this house. Billy does not want you here. So leave and if you don't I will get the tribal police and your father involved." I say laced with venom while dragging her out of the house and throwing her on the ground.

I walk back inside and grab Jacob by the neck dragging him outside.
"I've put up with a lot of shit from you Jacob but this is too far. We almost lost Jared today because you were being petty. Jasmine almost lost her imprint today because of you. I know you were aiming for my daughter as well. Do you have anything to say for yourself?" I asked.

He had his head down and didn't say much. "I'm very disappointed in you. You let that whore control you and it almost cost the life of another and that other is suppose to be a brother. After everything you've done, I can no longer trust you around my pack and my kids. So as of today, as omega of the pack, I declare you a lone wolf." I say while phasing.

He's frozen in place and I lounge at him and bite into his shoulder. As I pull back the magic seals. A new tattoo forms to let other supernaturals know he's a lone wolf for betrayal to his pack.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" Bella yelled. I snapped my head back at her and growled.

"I did what I had to do for my tribe. This is your fault you fucking bitch. You don't belong in this world or this kind of life. All you do is use people to do what you want. Now that we have a red head after you, Jacob can no longer have any say in the pack. He is and will always be on his own. His alpha power is stripped permanently. Him betraying his pack, getting rejected by his imprint, and now shunned to a lone wolf will slowly kill him. You should've kept your nose where it belonged Bella." I say to her.

I then turn around to Jacob "and you should've done better. You were not raised to turn your back on your family. Yet you did and all for a walking blood bag whore." I say then punch him in the face knocking him out.

I walk over to Billy who is sitting in the door way watching.
"Im sorry it had to be this way." I tell him feeling bad for him.

"Athena it's okay. This is not your fault. It's his. How bad was Jared?" He asked.

I let out a sigh before explaining to him. "He lost a lot of blood. That's why Sam had to come in the OR with me. Being a shifter I had to have shifter blood. As Alpha Sam felt the need to be the one to donate. Jared may have some scaring. The cuts were from the top of his shoulders all the way down his back. It took over 100 stitches to get him completely closed and I tried my best to get it to where it won't scar but that's not guaranteed. I'm making him go off patrols for at least 2 weeks for his muscles and all to heal and recover." I tell him.

Billy nods his head in understanding. "Please send my best and apologize for me." He says.

"Of course I will." I say. I then turn around and make my way back to the clinic.

I start waking up and don't know where I am

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I start waking up and don't know where I am. I look around and see I'm in a medical room. It wasn't long until I heard sniffles and extra weight on my right side.
I look down and see Jasmine snuggling into me and her stuffy I gave her.

"Jasmine" I whisper out. She snaps her head up at me.

"Jarebear!" She says sniffling again moving carefully not to hurt me. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I smiled down at her. "Yes princess. I'm okay. Just hurting but I'm okay." I say to her softly.

"Whenever I'm hurting I always cuddle into the stuffy you got me. So I made sure to bring it here with me incase it helped you feel better too." She says with teary eyes.

Oh my heart could burst at her cuteness. "Jasmine that is so sweet of you thank you." I tell her kissing the top of her head.

"I'm sorry I got you hurt Jarebear. It's all my fault." She tells me.

"Hey, look at me." And she does. "This is not your fault. Jacob purposely tried to hurt you and I was not going to let that happen. I couldn't let him hurt you so I had to protect you okay?" I say to her.

She just nods her head as tears fall down her cheek. I pulled her into me and she cuddled closer and laid her stuffy on my chest for me to use to feel better with.

It wasn't much longer that Athena came in. She started checking over everything and it looked good.

"We almost lost you." Athena says.

"I know but I had to take the hit Athena. It would've killed Jasmine." I say.

"Thank you for protecting her. And I took care of Jacob for you too. Also no patrol for 2 weeks. Your break needs time to heal." She says.

I just nod my head starting to get tired. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you when my shift is over and take you back to my place to recover." She says.

I slowly lay my head down more and close my eyes falling into a deep and needed sleep.

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