Chapter 37

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These last two weeks have been good for me and Jasmine

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These last two weeks have been good for me and Jasmine. We've spent a lot of our time at the pack house or at ours. Our bond has grown closer as mother and daughter. She still has times where she feels it is her fault the Cullen's left but I always reassure her that it is not.

Today was a hard day on both of us. I woke up and was just emotional from the start. Jasmine had another nightmare last night and those have been happening since the Cullen's left. I get up and start to make breakfast for Jasmine and I.

As I am cooking, I hear little feet coming towards me. I look over and see Jasmine wrapped in her blanket. She has tears running down her face. I had just finished her food and put it on her plate.

"Jasmine, what is wrong?" I ask worried for my heart broken girl.

"Mommy I'm sorry they left us." She said with sniffles.

"Oh princess you do not need to apologize." I tell her.

I pull her into a hug and she continues to cry. I noticed her powers were starting to come out and be out of control a little bit. This has been happening a lot over the last two weeks as well. She kept crying and it could worse.

"Jasmine, sweetie, mommy needs you to calm down okay." I tell her. She starts to feel warmer than usual. As I get ready and pick her up, I stop as she lets out a heart shattering screaming. I then hear clothes rip.
I am shocked at what has happened. I look down and remove the blanket and see a wolf pup.

Oh. My. Gosh.

"Jasmine, sweetie, can you hear me?" I asked her.
She started whimpering and nodded her head. I picked her up and wrapped the blanket around her again. I put on some shoes and hurried to Sam's house.

I didn't even knock. I was panicking and worrying over Jasmine.

"Athena are you okay?" Sam asked.
Jasmine started whimpering again.

"Do you have a dog in there?" Jared asked.

"No this is Jasmine" I say and unwrap her showing them the wolf pup.

They were all shocked. But Paul spoke first. "She's kinda cute"

"Okay that is not what we need to be discussing. How is she a wolf? And shifted this young?!" I say trying not to yell or scare Jasmine.

"Athena, it will be okay. We will figure it out. She is around other shifters who can help her. Do not worry okay sis. Just try and get her to shift back." Sam says.

I take Jasmine upstairs and talk calmly to her. "Okay Jasmine, I need you to calm your breathing down and think of yourself as a human. Think of your blonde hair, your fingers, toes, anything to be human. You can do this baby" I tell her.

After 10 minutes she was finally back in human form.
"Mommy am I more of a freak now?" She sniffles out.

"No baby because now you are like me even more. Mommy turns into a wolf too just like you. That means we are awesome. We are the coolest. Mommy doesn't like it when you call yourself a freak. You are beautiful, kind, awesome, and the coolest. Okay baby?" I say.

"We are cool?" She asks.

"Oh yes princess. And now since you can shift that means you can boss those boys down stairs more. You can be the princess of the pack because I am the omega wolf with your uncle Sammy as alpha."

"I can be a real princess?" She asked.

"Oh baby yes you can. Now lets get some clothes on you so you can boss those boys around." I tell her.

Once she was dressed she ran downstairs and I heard her starting to boss the boys around. Emily and I couldn't help but laugh watching them stand there and listen to her making orders to them. By the end of the night all the boys were sitting around her watching Disney movies with her. By the end of the night, she was curled up in Jared's lap with Paul and Sam on each side of her.

Over the weekend, Jasmine kept shifting. I would randomly walk through the house and see a wolf pup playing or following me. It was nice seeing her slowly starting to accept that she isn't a freak. Whoever had her before me really messed her up. I made sure to also assure her that she is perfect the way she is.

Once the weekend had passed, I started my new job. It was easy to get into the flow of things. However, going back to the hospital was difficult. Having all those memories of Carlisle together with me always ran through my mind. Since I no longer needed my office at the hospital, I cleared everything out with the help of the boys. They loaded it up and took it to the clinic for me and even carried it in to my office there for me.

Being this close to home for work has allowed me to come home and have lunch with Jasmine. We both look forward to both to our little lunch dates. Sometimes I will take her down to the beach or set up a picnic in the back yard for us. I have been happier in this new job since it allows me more time with her.

I still struggled with not having my imprint around. It has gotten hard to be around the pack house even more though. Seeing my brother and his imprint crushed me. I love my brother and glad he is happy. I just can't help but envy that his imprint did not reject him or leave him like mine has.

It is now November. I stopped wearing my ring. Caleb found out I was no longer with Carlisle. Ever since I started working at the clinic, he has been texting me more and asking to take me out. I am just not ready. I don't know if I ever will be ready...

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