Chapter 6

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It has been 2 months since I adopted Jasmine

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It has been 2 months since I adopted Jasmine. She has grown very attached to myself and her Uncle Sammy. She has him wrapped her little finger. It is funny to watch her beg him to play with her.

Work has been going strong. Sadly I have lost a view patients but I did everything I could to help. Jasmine has become more open in day care. She is not afraid to play with other kids, or talk to the adults there. It took her a while to gain that confidence. There has been rumor of another doctor coming in but I haven't heard if that is official or not.

We are getting ready to move again because some people are starting to curious of us, and Jasper had a slip up

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We are getting ready to move again because some people are starting to curious of us, and Jasper had a slip up. He has been feeling terrible about it. We have decided to move back to Forks. I have been meaning to call one of their members to inform them of our return to set up a meeting at the treaty line.

"I don't understand why we have to move again" Rosalie says.

"I know, but we cannot have people asking questions and since Jasper slipped up we need to play it safe and move." I say.

We are all sitting around in the living room and Alice suddenly gasps. Jasper is by her side looking concerned. "Alice what did you see?" He asked.

"I think Edwards blood singer, and Carlisles mate. But she was blurry. I couldn't get a full vision of her. But the singer doesn't come for a year or so after we move there." Alice says.

My mate. She's really out there? I have waited so long to finally meet her.

"Carlisle's mate, is she human?" Rose asks.

"I, I don't think so. But I am not sure since I couldn't get a full image. But I did see that she will become a mother to all of us." Alice says.

"Well, for Carlisles sake, I will give her a chance since she is a mate, but I will not for the blood singer." Rose says leaving the room.

It wasn't long until my sister Esme and her mate Klaus came in. "You okay there brother?" She asks.

"I don't really know. I have waited so long for a mate and she is going to be back in Forks. If she is human, I don't want to bring her into this life, but then again, she is my mate. You know?" I say.

"Hey, it will all work out. It will be fine. We will figure out out Carlisle. In the end, you are the leader of this Coven so you can make the final decision." Klaus says.

"Yeah, okay. I need to go make some phone calls for work and to a la push member." I say.

I get up and go to my office and call the hospital and get to do a phone interview since we are so far away. I was able to get the job so that is good. I made a phone call to Billy Black and he said he would tell the alpha and omega so a meeting could be set up. Alpha and omega? I have never heard of an omega in this pack before. Oh well, I am not worried about it right now. I got and spend the rest of my evening packing to move. 

Billy had called Athena and I a little bit ago to inform me of the Cullen's returning and wanting to set up a meeting

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Billy had called Athena and I a little bit ago to inform me of the Cullen's returning and wanting to set up a meeting. I was annoyed that they were coming back. "Athena, will you be able to be there?" I ask.

"If it is tomorrow no, I have booked all day for surgery. I can take Jasmine with me that way you do not have to worry about taking her with you or finding someone to watch her."

"Yeah if you do not mind. I do not want to put her at risk for anything. " I say.

That night my wolf was on edge. I just have a feeling about something going wrong and I do not know what it is.

It is finally morning time and I have to get ready and meet the Cullen's in the clearing. I phase and run to the treaty line. As I approach I see 8 vampires standing there. I go behind a tree and phase.
"You must be the Cullen's" I say in a flat voice.

"Yes we are. I am Carlisle, this is my sister Esme and her husband Klaus, and my kids, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice"

I nod my head. "Very well. So terms of the treaty you know you cannot turn or bit anyone or the treaty is void. You also do not cross over on our land. There has been one added piece to it. My twin sister, is the omega and is a doctor at Forks. She is the only one allowed to cross back and forth because of her job. Other than that we will have no problems." I say.

"Is your sister a shifter?" The pixie asks.

"Yes she is. But she is a lot calmer than me being an omega she creates peace, so you do not need to worry about her wolfing out. But if you piss her off she has a very motherly tone so I would watch out if you ever run into her."

"Thank you for the advice. We will accept the treaty and stay out of your way." Carlisle says.

I leave and go to Billy's and inform him of everything and same with Old Quil. I then save Harry's place for last. I have not been here since I ended things with Leah. I knock on the door and Sue answers "hi Sam. Everything okay?" She asks,

"Yes, I am actually here for Harry."

"Come in. He will be right down."

As I walk inside I feel this strangle pull. I walk into the living room and see Leah and her cousin Emily. When my eyes meet hers everything stops. I feel as if she is my reason for existing, I would do anything and be anything for her. I get pulled out of my trance when Harry calls me name.  I look over at him and instantly feel bad.

Him and I walk outside and standing there for a moment. "The meeting went well and they seemed fine with Athena being in Forks." I say.

"That is good. Thank you for telling me. Now lets talk about what just happened in there."

"I imprinted didn't I?" I ask

"Yes you did son. I am not mad at you. I understand we have no control over it but the ancestors put you two together. I know you dated my daughter but I will not hold this against you." He says. 

As I get ready to respond, I hear a howl coming from the wolves. I leave quickly and phase running to see another wolf standing there.
"What the hell is going on. Why am I on four legs." The voice says. 

"Hey, calm down. It will be okay. I am Sam Uley. Who are you?" I ask.

"Jared Cameron."

"Hi. Listen I need you to follow me and when we get to my cabin think of yourself as human."

We take off and when I get to the cabin I phase and quickly get dressed and bring him out some shorts. After he phases back, I take him inside and explain everything to him about the legends, the Cullen's being back, imprinting and then my sister being a hybrid but is more wolf than vampire. He seemed to take it all pretty well. I spent the rest of the day waiting for Athena to get home so they could meet.

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