Chapter 39

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We head to the pack house and as we pull up I see everyone is here

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We head to the pack house and as we pull up I see everyone is here. I turn around and see Jackson is nervous.

"Everyone here will love you and protect you I promise." I tell him.

I get out of the truck and go to the back door and open it up. He jumps down and grabs my hand. He stands close to me and uses me to shield himself from others. Huh, must be a shy kid. But I don't blame him.

As I go inside with him, Emily, Jasmine and the boys all look at me and then see Jackson standing behind me. When Jackson saw Jasmine he started smiling.

"Annie." He says. She looks at him like she just had a flashback appear.

"JJ" She says running up to him and hugging him. Both kids started crying and holding each other tightly.
Sam looks at me waiting for an answers.

"Kids come over here with me please." They both came over and sat close to each other. "When I went back to work today, Charlie and the tribal police were there today. Jackson had came in and needed help." I then continue telling them what had happened and how him and Jasmine are brother and sister.

I also inform them of both kids being kidnapped from their parents when Jasmine was born. I also told them about my adopting him as well

The boys and Emily were pissed to hear more about what happened to the kids. Jasmine ended up falling asleep on Jackson. He was leaned up against me.

"Momma, has she shifted?" He asked looking down at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Has she shifted to her wolf pup yet?" He asked again.

"Yes, it happened in October I believe. Why? Do you shift too?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have witch magic from the Whitlock side which is our fathers side. And the shifter side was from our mother." He tells us.

"How do you know about this?" Sam asked.

He looked up at Sam and spoke "mom and dad trusted the wrong people with their supernatural side. Those people ended up being the ones to kill them and take us. They wanted to use us for our powers to get whatever they wanted. When I was four I shifted as well. Anyways, I remember listening to our biological parents talk about their history an ancestors." He says.

"Why do you shift so young though? That doesn't make since."

"It is just in our blood I guess. I never learned why. I assumed it was normal. Is it not?" He asked.

Sam decided to take this one. "No, with us, vampires have to be involved for us to shift. And typically it doesn't happen until we are 16-22 if it does happen."

We continued talking or a while. I ended up taking the kids home.

"Jackson tomorrow I do not work so we can go and get stuff for your room okay?" I say to him

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