Chapter 41

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Today was the day we leave for Disney

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Today was the day we leave for Disney. Jared stayed the night with us so he didn't have to get up as early. When I woke up, I started making sure the kids had everything packed and did not forget anything.

Once it was all checked, I carried their suitcases to the front door and began to load them up in the truck. I didn't pack Jared's in case he needed something out of it.

Today was a travel day. We would fly to California, get our rental vehicle, and go to the hotel. I planned on taking the kids out or dinner and then end our evening watching the sunset on the beach.

I had finished getting the everything packed and came back to start breakfast. I made eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. Jared ended up waking up when I started cooking.

"Hey Athena, is it okay if I jump in the shower real quick?" He asked.

"Of course it is Jared. You know were everything is. Breakfast will be done in 10 to 15 minutes." I tell him.

He left to go shower. Once I finished cooking, I put the heat on low and went to wake up the pups. They both stayed in their rooms last night. I went to Jackson first.

"Good morning buddy. Breakfast is ready for you. Better hurry and get up we leave for Disney today." I tell him.

He starts to crack a smile and I tickle him a little and get a laugh out of him. He starts moving around so I go and wake Jasmine up.

"Good morning my princess."

She whines a little and curs back into her blanket. "Momma I'm tired." She pouts out.

"Aw well if you are tired then you won't be able to go to Disney." I tell her.

She quickly shot up and looks at me pouting even more
"Nuh uh. I am not to tired for Disney mommy." She say and crosses her arms. Oh the sass this girl is getting.

"Okay well then let's go get something to eat so we can leave princess." I tell her.

When we got up to the kitchen, Jared was helping Jackson get his food and I got Jasmines.
We all at quickly and started to finish packing. As we were almost done, Sam, Emily, and Paul came over to see us off.

"Be safe" sam says pulling me into a hug.

"I will. Thank you for letting Jared come." I say.

"Of course." Sam says back and gives me a kiss on the head.

Once we all said our goodbyes, we loaded the kids and took off towards the airport. To the kids it was a long day of travel to Jared and I it only felt like 5 hours.

We finally landed in California and I went to the desk where I would get my rental. After signing some papers, Jared and the kids all had our bags. We went out and found our car.

After it was loaded we headed towards our hotel to check in. Jared stayed in the car with the kids while I checked us in. Once I had our room keys, I went back out and parked the car and we took everything up to our room.

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