Chapter 48

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As we were walking to Sam's house I told her all about Bella

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As we were walking to Sam's house I told her all about Bella.
"So you are telling me, that my bitch of a sister got mad at you for being with your daughter who was sick and dying instead of with them protecting her? Bitch you know I would've handed her over." Taylor said.

I busted out laughing. "That is exactly what I said!" We kept talking until we were finally at the house.

"Hey Sammy guess who's here" I say walking into the house.

He then comes around the corner and sees Taylor. "Well well if it isn't my favorite Swan. How are you Taylor?" He asked giving her a hug. We sit down and talk for a little bit.

"Hey were are the kiddos?" I asked.

"Down at the beach with Paul." Emily said.

We kept talking for a little bit longer until the kids came inside.

"Mommy!" The both yelled and ran at me.

"There's my puppies." I say giving them kisses.

"Momma who's this?" Jasmine asked.

Before I could answer I see her and Paul looking at each other. Paul gasps in air. He just imprinted.

"Kids this is Taylor Swan. She is my best friend and your Auntie" I say.

"Hi" both kids says.

"Great another Swan to deal with." Paul said growling.

I snapped my head over at him and growled before I could say anything Taylor beat me to it.

"Listen here Paul Lahote, I remember you and you are still that same hotheaded fucker. Just because my last name is Swan doesn't mean I like it. Bella is a pain in my ass so don't be biting my head off because issues she has caused. I just rejected one mate yesterday I am not afraid to do it again." She says.

Sam then stands up "wait, do you know what we are?" He asked.

"Of course I do. I lived with a witch for almost 6 years, I have her magic now because I was attacked by a vampire and please Sammy don't humor me. You were a fucking twig in high school. And now suddenly you are tall, filled out with short hair. Please don't try and lie to me I know the legends. And I know Lahote over there just imprinted on me. I am not in the mood to have to reject someone again because of my sister." She says.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked curiously. I rolled my eyes at how he has calmed down now.

"When I was attacked Edward was the one to save me. At the time of him telling me his story I did not know his blood singer was my sister and he tore his family apart like a douche bag. He is still in love with Bella and I will not be a second choice or settled for. I deserve better than that and I know my worth." She says.

"Heck yeah" I say give her a high-five.

We all ended up sitting down and eating dinner while Taylor went on to explaining more of her story. The boys were pissed off when they found out Taylor was raped. Especially Paul. He had to leave the house and phase because he was so mad.

I get up to go talk to him. "Wait A, let me do it" Taylor says.

"Just be careful" I say.

I walk outside and see Paul's wolf pacing back and forth

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I walk outside and see Paul's wolf pacing back and forth.
"Hi Paul. Can uh can you just lay down and I will keep explaining everything and then you can decide if you still want me as an imprint or not." I say. I hear him whimper and he lays down and slowly crawls up to me.

I go and lay between his paws with my back against his chest. He then wraps his head around and lays it in my lap. Without think I start rubbing up and down his snout.

"After I had gotten raped and found out that I was pregnant, I was terrified. I was scared that no one would want some singe mom and baby that wasn't theirs. When Edward came along I thought I would actually have someone who cares about me for me. But it turns out he still was in love with my sister. Everyone always picks her. My parents, the boys, just everyone. And here you are hating me because I am her sister. I rejected a mate and now my second chance probably wants nothing to do with me either. So Paul if you want to reject me go ahead it's fine." I say whimpering. I get ready and get up but Paul's head pushes me down and stops me.

He shakes his head no and then stands up walking into the forest. "Great. Now I really will be alone." I say getting ready to walk inside but a hand stops me.

I turn around and see Paul staring down at me. "I am sorry for my comment earlier. Bella has just caused a bunch of problems for everyone here and I didn't want more. But after hearing your story I shouldn't have judged you. So I am sorry Taylor. And I do not reject you. I want this imprint bond to happen at whatever pace you want or to be whatever you need me to be."

He says and strokes me cheek. I can feel a blush appear on my cheeks from his actions and the way he looks at me.

"And the baby?" I asked nervously.

"I never had the greatest parents but I will try and be the best dad to that little baby that I can be. Let me take you on a date as a make up for being an ass to you." He says.

I look at him and he is just so handsome. I want real love and maybe, just maybe rejecting Edward and then getting my second chance with Paul was how it really was suppose to happen. He is someone who hates Bella like me so he won't be picking her over me. At least I hope not.

"Fine. One date to make it up and I will make my decision on if I want you as a friend, brother, or lover." I say.

"Oh babygirl, you'll be swooning over me by the end of the date. That is a promise." He says.

I laugh and lightly smack his chest. "I will be the judge of that Mr. Lahote." I say and turn around walking back inside the house.

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