Chapter 24

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I have been in Alaska for the last week now

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I have been in Alaska for the last week now. During this time, I isolated myself and just tried gaining control over my thirst again. But I couldn't stop thinking about Bella.

Why couldn't I read her mind? Is that some kind of trait a mate could have is their other couldn't use their gift on them? Is she my mate? Is she my blood singer? Or is she both? There's so many questions and I don't know the answers too.

Carlisle said he would looking into it for me because he didn't know either. I have waited so long for my other half. I just hope the family welcomes her if she really is my mate. I know she's human and this isn't the life I want for her, but in the end, for all eternity that's what she's made for right?

After finally gaining my control and calming myself down, I am now headed back to Forks. I ended up stopping at Bella's and snuck into her room to watch her sleep. She looked peaceful. I could hear the blood pumping through her body. It was tempting to sink my teeth into her but the thought of me doing that caused me some kind of pain. That's what has made me believe she is my mate as well. Because mates cannot harm each other. It can be deadly if they do.

While I was watching her I couldn't help but think all over again if she is my singer and my mate. I'm not sure what this feeling is, but I do know, that I feel something for her. I just have to be careful in bringing this up to the family and hope they support it.

I know Rose and Jasper will have the hardest time accepting this if I do end up bringing Bella into this life. Rose won't like her because she has a human life and can have so many opportunities that we never got. Jasper will struggle with his blood lust since he's still considered the newest vegan of the family.

After hours of watching Bella sleep, I finally get myself to get up and leave and head home. I know the family has missed me so it is time I go back and see them. I'm sure they are worried. Especially Carlisle and Aunt Esme.

I get home and walk through the front doors and see everyone is still awake.
"Hey son it's good to see you back." Dad says.

"Yeah it's good to be back." I decided to wait on asking them about bringing Bella around. I will probably try and distance myself. Hopefully it works. But then again I'm drawn to her.

"You doing better now that you had some time away?" Athena asks. I smile at her seeing her inner mother coming out.

"Yeah mom. I think it was good and I feel better and in control." I tell her.

"Good I'm glad." She says and comes to hug me.

Time skip
I am now back and school and Bella has started asking questions. "How come you were gone?" She asked during class.

"I had some personal things to handle with some family out of down." I say stiffly still struggling around her.

After class we were walking in the hallways together. I was interested in her life so I kept asking questions on why she moved here.

"Well my mother remarried and her now husband wanted to travel so I thought it was best to let them do that alone." She says.

"Do you not like the guy?" I ask.

"No it's nothing like that." She tells me.

"Oh okay. Sorry I'm just trying to understand." I tell her.

"It's okay. But hey are you feeling okay? Or do you wear contacts because your eyes are a different color." She says.

Shit. What do I do now. "No it's just the florescence in here." I say walking away quickly. I make it out to the cars where my siblings are waiting. As we are all talking, there is a screech of tires.

I look over and see Tyler's van coming sliding across the ice straight at Bella. Oh shit. Do I save her? Do I let her die? If she dies and blood is everywhere, our family could slip up. Rose looks over at me. "Don't do it Edward."

Ahhhh shit. I can't help it and don't listen to her. I use my vampire speed and get to her before the van hits and stop it with my hand. As I look down in horror, I see Bella looking at me in pure shock and then she starts getting dizzy.

I lay her down and hurry up and get out of there. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I'm never going to hear the end of this now.

While I'm at work, Alice calls Carlisle and I to tell us what happened

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While I'm at work, Alice calls Carlisle and I to tell us what happened. Carlisle and I both decide to check her over. As we walk into the ER I see Chief Swan. Or Charlie who was like a father to me.
"Heard the chiefs daughter was here." Carlisle said.

"Hi Dr. Cullen, hi Athena." Charlie says.

Carlisle and I begin looking over Bella. He does the head exam and I do the woman's side of thing. "Athena I didn't know you worked here." Bella says to me. I smile at her.

"Yeah I've been here I think for over a year or more now. I really don't know exactly." I say nicely.

She just nods her head. While Carlisle finishes up with her, I go out in the hallway to see a very pissed off Rose and irritated Edward. "Alright kids, we are in a hospital if you are going to fight take it to either mine or Carlisle's office. We don't need attention brought to you even more than what is already there." I state firmly. Soon Carlisle comes out and they are still going at it.

Eventually Bella comes by and stops a little bit always and asks to talk to Edward. So I drag Rose to my office with Carlisle. "I know this was going to freaking happen mom. We just got exposed and you know what that will mean if a human is involved" she says.

After a very intense 10 minutes, I finally get Rose calmed down and ask her to pick up Jasmine for me to have a little bit of sister time together. That seemed to make her soften up a bit.

After she left and I sat at my desk and began thinking.

Oh Edward what have you done...

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