Chapter 65

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It has been a long day of traveling to the Volturi kings

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It has been a long day of traveling to the Volturi kings. The only thing on my mind is Athena. So many what if's run through my mind.

What if I would've stayed? What if I had better control over Edward? Would Athena and I be married now? Would I still have my daughter Jasmine? I just couldn't stop the endless thoughts branching into more series of thoughts and what the future could've held if I was a better man.

That's something I really need to work on is being a better man. Not for myself, but for my other kids. I let one push me around too much and it caused problems with the rest of the family. It's all my fault. I lost Athena because of Edward, my own sister left with her husband because of Edward being an ass. Jasper and Rose left to be with Athena but now are without their mother. Poor Emmett has left and probably went to Rose by now. Alice went to check on Bella but now Bella is dead. It's all just a huge mess and I can only blame myself.

We finally made it to the Volturi. As we walked into the main doors, we are stopped by Demetri and Felix. They look from Edward to me like they are out to kill right now.

"What do you two want?" Demetri

"To see the kings. I want to discuss something with them." Edward says and grabs my arm dragging me along with him. I jerk my arm back from his control.

We follow the two down to the throne room. On the way there I felt a strange pull and I am not sure why. We pass Heidi and Demetri and Felix push open the doors to the throne room. We walk into the room and are now standing in front of the kings.

"Carlisle good to see you again. What brings you and Edward here today?" Aro asked me.

Before I could say anything Edward steps up and places his hand in Aro's. Edward shows and then explains what happened to Bella and how he wants to die to be with her. He even talked about Athena and the wolves. He just signed their deaths away.

"Ahhh yes I see. A loved one gone and a pack of wolves existing. Very interesting. Especially since one of those is a very powerful hybrid that was engaged to our dear friend Carlisle." Aro says.

As soon as Athena was mentioned, Caius started to stare me down. He even let out a growl at one point. The whole time his look was in a way of saying that he wants me dead too. I didn't understand why.

I am brought out of my thoughts when they denied Edward of being killed. He gets pissed so he grabs me about to make a scene when Caius stopped him.

"That is enough Edward. You need to leave. We would like to catch up with Carlisle since it has been years since we have seen him." He says. Weird.

"Whatever. Carlisle come straight to me when you are finished." Edward says and walks away. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to the kings.

"Uhhh so what would you like to discuss?" I ask.

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