Ch. 6

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Friday, April 1st, 6:15 am


Beeeeeeeep beeeeeep beeeeeep my alarm screeched from beside me. I groaned loudly, slapping it to get it to quiet down. I slowly opened my eyes, gagging at the bit of drool that had come out of my mouth and dripped onto my pillow. Gross.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, when I suddenly froze, all at once remembering the dream I had dreamt last night. I was still perplexed as to why I had even had that dream.

The idea of me and Kai doing something as stupid and innocently romantic as strawberry picking together was utterly ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as the idea of me holding his hand while doing the strawberry picking.

And don't even get me started on how in my dream I was chasing him. If we were ever in a situation like that, which we wouldn't be in any case, but still, he would most definitely be running to me and begging me to save his pretty ass. Not the other way around.

On the topic of Kai now, I slapped my face, grumbling as I also remembered the conversation I had with my parents last night about him being my new pre-calc tutor.

Kai was going to be my tutor. How could I have let this happen?!

Deciding that I wasn't going to think about him anymore (I had done too much of that already today), I rolled out of bed onto the floor.

I landed with a loud thump and brought down my blanket with me. I then sat up, yawning as I observed the mess of clothes in front of me that was my closet.

I slowly stood up, brushing myself off, and took a couple pieces of clothing, giving them the sniff test. I choked a little when I smelled a seemingly inconspicuous pair of jeans, but other than that, most of my clothes were fine to go out into the world in.

I finally decided on a nice pair of slacks and a dark forest green sweater that I thought made my eyes really pop. At least that's what Iris had told me.

"Is that a new sweater?"

"Yeah, why?"

"It makes your eyes look like they're trying to burst our of their sockets but can't because they're contained by a dark green forest colored three inch thick pane of glass".

"...Thanks, Iris".

I snorted at that memory. Iris, my last, second oldest sister, and the smack in the middle sibling, was fourteen and most definitely acted like it.

She was practically born with a dictionary in hand and a sick taste for tears. She came with piercing blue eyes via my dad's genes, a short, slightly wavy brown bob, and a whole arsenal full of bad puns, your mom jokes, and creative insults.

She had the whole plant mom vibe going on, with her three piercings in each ear, as well as a septum and clear Harry Potter-esque glasses with very round silver rims.

Iris always had some sort of chapstick on, and she had worn the same perfume every single day since 6th grade, giving her a mixed signature scent of Cinnabon sugar and cherries (an odd mix, but they smelled lovely together).

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