Ch. 20 (MA)

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Saturday, April 9th, 1:11 pm
EDITOR'S NOTE: y'all i just impulse bought something for $30. why do i own money. anyway posting a lil earlier!

This week has been utterly. Exhausting.

Kai has been so. Fucking. Annoying. And so have my sisters.

On Sunday, my parents sat me down and I finally had to confess that I've been working behind their backs. Thankfully it was a quick scolding, but they forced me to reduce my hours even more "to focus on my studies." Now I only worked Wednesdays (one of the only days during the week I don't have baseball practice), and future Sundays.

That already peeved me off, but on top of that, Iris was acting cold to me STILL. I thought she would've gotten over it but no. She was still stubborn. I continued to apologize numerous times, but I guess they didn't think they were genuine because they continued to give me the cold shoulder. Jerk.

And on top of all of THAT, KAI kept texting me, blubbering and saying he was "sorry," and "I'll never do it again..." which was just making me tired. I didn't care that he called me the f-slur. Truly, I didn't. What was bothering me was that he wouldn't admit he was one too.

I made a promise to myself not to talk to Kai, not only for the sake of my sanity, but also for me to have a chance to think on what I could do to finally show him his true colors.

So Sunday was...fine. But then Monday came.

First off, I forgot there was a pop quiz in science, so I completely flunked on that. The only plus was that, because I was icing him out, Kai couldn't tease me about it.

Secondly, I saw Kai, the same douche whining to me about me not forgiving him, making out with the Golf captain in between lunch periods, who, by the way, has a boyfriend. Home-wrecker. I told him exactly that in a snarky text I sent before strolling off, to which he replied, quite graciously, "fuck off."

I then got in trouble with Devon AND Karma because I didn't reply to any of either of their texts on Sunday, to which I explained I had been grounded for the day (half-truth) and was in a crappy mood. They both gave me a hug and things resumed as per usual (except Karma and Dev had an awkward energy between them that Dev half-covered up with cheesy one-liners).

Then, I got cornered AGAIN by Griffin because he saw Kai was in a crappy mood again except this time I wasn't a pushover. I ended up telling him to go screw himself and he responded by vowing to make my life miserable whenever he could. What-fucking-ever.

After school wasn't even much better because I had baseball practice which consisted of a grueling warm up workout, more of Kai begging (which I was beginning to take pleasure in), and getting yelled at by Coach Guild.

The rest of the week was just as shitty between my boss being absolutely furious at me for not showing up to work at all (not my fault) and Harmonia having a fit because I wasn't giving her as many hugs lately.

The only one of my siblings that has been somewhat kind to me is Rhea, but even she has been acting weird. She's always tired. She even took a nap on my bed. I found her there after practice one night and had to drop my dirty baseball pants on her face to get her to wake up.

This week has just been a trip. Now it's Saturday again (thank the lord) and we just finished baseball practice (our last one before our first game). Coach Guild could sense I was in an insanely crappy mood, so she didn't harp on me too much when I missed a bunch of easy throws and hit like shit in the cage.

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