Ch. 25

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Two Weeks Later
Friday, April 29th, 3:15 pm

15 more minutes.

15 more minutes and then I'm done with school for the week, thank the lord. I forgot how tiring school was over spring break...and then was immediately reminded as soon as I waltzed into 2nd period AP Lit.

I scrolled mindlessly on my phone, trying my hardest not to think about...him. Kai.

I honestly don't know what happened. I walked out of that locker room, and ever since, he's completely ghosted me. I mean, it's not like we talked 24/7 before that whole event, but jeez this was excessive.

He ceased to talk to me at all over both spring break and all the games we've had these past two weeks. There were no jokes exchanged or little insults, there were no middle of the night memes or terrible song recommendations, no winks or even smiles. Completely stone-cold with me. I really didn't get it.

And I gave him his space in all that time, but I really expected him to be the one to break first. My naive self thought he was going to come back after a few hours and we could awkward talk it out and move on, but apparently that was wishful thinking.

Even so, our little friends with benefits deal wasn't up, and I had been positive that he was at the very least going to act on that. silence.

And I'm sick of it, to be honest. I need time to talk to him properly and get things figured out, however things will turn out. I mean, I've decided to prioritize my family and all, but I miss him.

Things have been up and down, but one thing I've learned is that a life without the frustration Kai brings me daily is not a life worth living to me.

I'd come to that revelation shortly after my talk with Iris. I had been sitting there, listening to the sounds of my fan above me and reflecting (something I rarely do) when he came across my mind, as he often does.

I thought about how I'd left him in probably one of his most vulnerable moments. He had just admitted in confidence to me about his dad and his past problems with dealing with his homophobia, and I had gotten overwhelmed and dipped.

And then I thought back to what Karma and Dev had said. I needed to listen more, and stay even if things get uncomfortable. I couldn't be skittish around these kinds of things, especially if they're hurting the people I like.

And that was the train of thought that made all the difference. People I like instead of friends. I sat there and slowly realized that I could never bear Kai never talking to me again. The thought of him leaving made my heart jump to my throat and my stomach curl.

I didn't want to name it at the time. I still don't want to. I feel like it's too late...

I was just about to doze off with my thoughts when the bell rang. I blinked hard, trying to yawn away my tiredness. God I needed a nap.

I picked up my backpack and headed out the door, and was about to turn to the student parking lot when out of the corner of my eye I saw him.

I immediately turned on my heel, and started to push through the crowd. This was my opportunity to talk to him. Sure, I had Saturday practice with him, but I had an aching feeling that he wouldn't talk to me there. Not with everybody else around.

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