Ch. 15

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Saturday, April 2nd, 1:34 pm

Warning: breaking the 4th wall, BDSM mentions and dirty talk

It took a few minutes for my brain to register and respond to what was currently happening to me. My brain, after exactly 1 minute and 35 seconds (I counted), did eventually come up with something though, and that was this:

1: Kai has me pinned again...this time with my face against my warm car window and my body pressed against the hot car.

2: I don't exactly mind it.

3: I fucking hate myself.

4: I want him to do so much to me...

Yeah I stopped my brain before it could continue that last thought.

"Kai...get off" I practically whined instead, like a pathetic little child. But there was certainly nothing childish about the way Kai was holding me.

He had one of his legs between my own, spreading them just so, and I could feel his knee rubbing between my thighs through the fabric of my pants, his thigh a few inches further away.

He had his other leg trapping my own, one hand focused on keeping my hands still, and the other currently stroking my face softly, teasingly, mockingly.

Kai brushed a lock of my sweaty blondish hair away.

"Mmm have you gotten over your silent treatment now, baby? What was that about anyway, hm?" He asked calmly, too calmly, as he pressed me further into the door.


My head spun around the pet name. Baby. Who the fuck was he calling-

I suddenly squirmed, holding back a yelp as his knee lifted up slightly, and his thigh became dangerously close to my...backside. I held my breath as he stilled again.

But even in this compromising position where I was practically immobile, I had enough nerve to sass back at him. I don't know why I had such a strong urge, but I did.

"Well, Kazuya, here's the thing. It's not very fun when your bitchy enemy with benefits is so possessive. I call Jonah hot, and your fragile masculinity can't think of anything other than a dog and owner dynamic? Pretty uncreative don't you think?

And further, you pin me against this car door, which, maybe pull back on the pinning a bit, because hey did you ever think about what that might look like to other people if they look our way? Pretty fucking gay looking if you ask me.

Anyways, you pin me here, go all Hail Mary 'meh meh meh, why silent treatment, meh meh meh, I'm such a little bitch baby, I'm soooo insecure', and then you have the audacity to call me baby and expect me to, what Kazuya, submit to you? This isn't a freaking BDSM novel, dumbass, this is fucking high school".

I panted, out of breath from the rant. I waited for a response to come, maybe a scoff, or, I don't know, a growl? He seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Maybe I should sign him up for a couple cosplay conventions, let him dress up as a lion and play with the other furries of the world.

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