Ch. 7

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Friday, April 1st, 8:04 am

Karma^^ face claim: Naomi Watanabe

I looked up, startled, at the man that had somehow just snuck up behind me, despite being 6'0" tall and heavy footed as all get out.

"Hey Kai..." I muttered with a glare. He gave me a raised eyebrow sort of look, and his lips turned up into a smirk as he looked down on me.

Despite me actually only being two inches shorter than him, I still felt so much shorter under his gaze, like he was shrinking me by the power of his eyeballs.

I especially felt that way when he purposely over exaggerated how much he had to tilt his head down to make eye contact with me, tucking his chin low enough to round his sharp jawline, forcing a double chin. I hated it so much.

"I heard you and Devvy talking about the supposed 'most annoying person you know'. Now I'm curious. Who might that be?" He asked me, eyebrows furrowed slightly. He feigned innocence as he leaned casually against the lockers. The glint in his eyes gave him away though. He already knew the answer.

I heard Dev scoff from behind me at Kai's use of the nickname "Devvy" for her. It was an inside joke Kai started a couple years back, and it always made Dev react the same way, which I guess is why he still called her that.

I rolled my eyes at his faux innocent look. "Who do you think it is, Einstein?" I muttered, focusing my gaze elsewhere with a sigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kai's eyes narrow slightly. I smiled.

The hall stayed silent, well, as silent as a school hallway can be right before the bell, and I slowly got more antsy. I looked back at Kai, who just seemed to be deep in thought, staring at me critically.

I shrunk under his gaze, and even Dev cleared her throat, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly at the unexpected silence.

Suddenly, Kai blew a long slow breath out through his nose and spoke. "Daz. We need to talk" he said. I froze in my place, now darting my eyes back and forth from the lockers on the other side of the hallway to him.

Huh? We needed to talk? Now?

I hadn't expected this to happen at eight in the goddamn morning.

"What? What for?" I spluttered, hand gripped tightly onto my binder strap. I asked the question, but deep down I think I already knew the answer. I just didn't want to talk about it. Well, I did, but not here. Not now. I swallowed as Kai started to say something more, but the bell interrupted him.

I sighed in relief, grateful for the both obnoxious and cliche excuse.

"Well, that's the bell. Sorry bud. Better get to class! Bye Asshat McFuckyour Face!"

Before Kai could reply to my genius insult, I speed walked away, dragging Devon along with me, blending into the throng of people now surging to get to class.

"What. In the fresh hell. Was that?" Dev asked me as soon as we were out of earshot, which was approximately three seconds later. I just gave her half a shrug, currently too out of it mentally to actually give a coherent answer.

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