Ch. 29

463 13 4

Friday, April 19th, 8:43pm

My heart sunk to the bottom of my toes as I looked this poor officer right in the eye. His eyebrow was quirked in a slightly judgmental way, but I kept my composure.

"What are you up to?" He asked, looking me square on, "and why are you still in the school parking lot? You are aware it's well after school hours?"

I cleared my throat, torn between telling a white lie or just the entire truth. "Well, we...had something going on that caused us to leave in no my car in a hurry, and we of course had to come back to fetch his car..."

I trailed off and the officer glanced behind me at Kai, whose expression was most definitely matching the panicked, embarrassed, and horrified look on mine.

"Uhhhhhhuh. And what about the public indecency?"

Shit. No tinted windows. Balls out for everyone to see. Oh God.

"Officer, we're so sorry" I confessed, putting as much emphasis on the apology as I could. "It's been a rough day, and it's a Friday, and it's almost 9pm-"

He held up his hand and I stopped talking, pursing my lips and blushing. I could feel Kai at my back now, and his thigh was brushing against the bottom of my back. I bristled.

"Listen. I'm going to have to bring you guys in to the station. We have to call your parents-" Kai flinched heavily at that, "tell them the deal. Lucky for you, it's a Friday and it's after school hours, so we're not going to hand you to the feds. Just come with me and promise you won't do it again."

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, but Kai was still tense beside me. I turned around to assess what he might be thinking and he looked shell-shocked.

My own adrenaline was distracting me from what kind of breakdown he was having in order to deal with my own, so I merely grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the car, muttering and murmuring.

It was a terrifying experience to see the flashing red-and-blue lights and realize that I was going in there, but I kept my head held high. I slid into the leather seat and tried to ignore the bars between the front and the backseat.

Kai slinked in next to me, closing his eyes gently before putting his head in his hands. I frowned at him, wondering what was going on.

"Hey," I whispered, putting a hand on his shoulder. He didn't look up. "It's going to be okay. I'm a little off my rocker nervous right now, but I think the officer is just going to let us off with a warning."

Kai stayed silent as the cop climbed into his seat.

My pants buzzed with a new text as I resigned to letting him close off, and I checked to see that it was Dev.

Slut for Margot Robbie 🖕🏻: DAZ.
I heard from karma that she heard from your mom that your sister was in the hospital
is she okay??
r u okay???
pls answer me and karr are worried

Me : currently omw to the police station

She replied in seconds.

Slut for Margot Robbie 🖕🏻 : ong? that's kinda iconic actually

Me : yeah. public indecency 😭

Slut for Margot Robbie 🖕🏻 : omg daz. can u hang tonight or r u going to jail?

Me : i'm free for now but they haven't called my parents yet so...

Slut for Margot Robbie 🖕🏻 : okay keep me updated. but daz. make sure you know what ur getting into.

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