Ch. 36

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The rest of the walk was in silence.

I made a few comments to Midas about how ridiculous he looked with wet hair, but mine was starting to frizz in the humidity, so I shut up.

We got to the school parking lot a little after 7:15, and I took a seat down on the curb with a sigh, texting my aunt where I was.

I didn't know the words to say to Midas, so I didn't say any. Instead, I sat there in silence. Midas sat down next to me, letting me sit there with my own thoughts. I was scared, truly. But I was also ready. I was going to talk to my dad today.



I sat down next to Kai, letting him simmer. He looked incredibly attractive in the early morning light, and I blushed at his expression. His resting face was so somber but so beautiful.

I looked forward to the street in front of me. We hadn't talked much about the plan, but I was ready to go wherever. I had texted my parents that I was helping Kai, and I didn't have any other plans.

We sat there for about fifteen minutes before a car pulled up to the curb. I saw Kai grasp the necklace around his neck before standing up, and I followed suit.

He opened the passenger door and gestured for me to get in. I practically tripped over my own feet, clambering in to the white Honda.

The driver was an older Asian woman, a shawl covering her shoulders while her graying hair was pinned back into a neat slick-back bun.

"Kazu, Kazu's friend" she nodded towards me, giving me a warm smile. I smiled back. "I'm Midas. Nice to meet you Mrs...?"

She grinned. "Ah, well if you want to be formal, I am Mrs. Katou, but please call me Aunt Krista."

I nodded politely as the car started to move. Aunt Krista looked in the mirror, studying Kai closely. He seemed lost in thought.

"Kazu," she said clearly, "what you thinking about?"

Kai startled, coming back to his senses. I watched him bite his lip again. "Aunt Krista, I want to go to my dad's."

Aunt Krista suddenly slammed on the brakes, yanking me and Kai forward violently. I grunted as the seatbelt constricted my chest, and I heard Kai grunt as well.

"Ay! Majika*? Your dad bad man. Arienai*. He abuse your mother!"

I kept my mouth shut as Kai sighed. "I know Aunt Krista, but this is important. It might be the last time I ever see him."

Aunt Krista smiled. "Really? Great! Good iine iine*." She continued to drive, and I blew out a breath. Well that was terrifying.



I took a heavy breath. I knew Aunt Krista would be supportive of me having this conversation. I couldn't tell her what it was about, but I knew if needed she would take me in.

"Aunt Krista, how long will I be living with you?" I asked, slightly dreading the answer.

She hesitated, opening her mouth and closing it again. "Your okaasan* is very upset right now. She very graduate in a month, yes?"

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