Ch. 9

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Friday, April 1st, 12:58 pm

Griffin^^ face claim: Froy Gutierrez

I was reeling. I walked to my 7th period with shaky hands, red puffy eyes, and a scowl written all over my face that screamed "I am pissed. Don't talk to me".

I walked the halls to my next class, and completely avoided both Dev and Karma, although I think Dev got a glimpse of me. I could already feel my phone buzzing with new texts.

That whole ordeal with Kai had fucked me up. Thoroughly fucked me up. And yet, I still kind of wanted him to kiss me again. To pin me against the nearest wall and grip my hips and slide his tongue places that I would never want anyone else's tongue to go...

Like I said. Thoroughly fucked me up.

My grip on my backpack tightened even further when I was suddenly stopped by an obnoxiously big burly body in front of me.

I looked up to see none other than Griffin. Kai's best comrade, tormenter figure in all my dreams, the guy who took pictures of me and Pedro and sold it on a gay porn website for thirty bucks (I was actually quite flattered at that, apparently I looked, quote, 'submissive and breedable'. Thank you user IsuckDvcks, your username still makes it look like you suck ducks).

Griffin, that guy, who was gripping my arm quite tightly right now.

"Heyyyyy Daz. What's up buddy?" He said to me, though his tone wasn't sounding very 'what's up buddy'. I frowned. "We need to talk".

I inwardly cursed. Why did everybody need to talk with me today?!

I almost groaned out loud, but I figured that wouldn't be a good idea. Better to go along with whatever the hell this bag of dickwads wanted with me and hopefully I would make it home not completely traumatized.

"Sure, we can talk" I said, forcing out a smile as he lead me away from my 7th period class. No more school for me I guess.

I frowned as Griffin kept gripping my arm, and then my frown turned into a look of confusion when he pushed me into a teacher's bathroom in the middle of the hall.

He pushed me in, and I almost ran into the sink, stopping myself just in time. I heard the click of a lock behind me, and when I turned, I saw Griffin, looking absolutely livid, and standing in front of my only means of escape.

I sighed, a slice of fear cutting through.

Lord give me strength.

Friday, April 1st, 1:03 pm

"Heyyy now Griffin. What's that look for bud?" I chirped nervously, backing myself into the corner farthest away from the hulking beast that was Griffin Duke.

"'This look' is for doing something to my man Kai, bud" he hissed, quickly coming towards me. His hulking figure pressed me farther into the corner.

"What did I do?" I cried, genuinely confused.

"I don't know, you tell me!" He growled back. "I see him as he sits back down during lunch, right? And he's all dazed and shit. Tells me he needs to 'go to the bathroom and have a think'. The hell does that mean?!

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