Ch. 18

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Saturday, April 2nd, 4:00 pm
EDITOR'S NOTE: I debated whether or not to post today bc I already posted a chapter this week (on Thanksgiving) but I'm feeling nice so here y'all go

Kai pulled into his driveway, unbuckling before moving quickly out of the car. I was confused until the door opened beside me and I was taken back into Kai's arms.

This time, I didn't kick, or try to get him to drop me, but I still grumbled as he helped bring me inside.

And now I was inside Kai's house again. Well, Kai's mom's house. I actually took a second to take in my surroundings this time, arms hooked around Kai's neck.

This house was nice, open, severely clean, so I could only imagine what Kai's dad's house looked like. My best guess would be a lot bigger.

Kai started to go up the stairs, and my grip grew tighter. "Are you bringing me to your room?" I asked, blushing.

"Would you rather I drop you on the couch? Is that what you would prefer princess?" Kai asked. I whacked him after he said 'princess'. "I told you not to call me that".

"Sorry princess".

"That's gay".


Kai dropped me on his bed with a quiet thump, staring at me intensely. I challenged him with a glare of my own. "You know, I think having, like, five rounds of sex with your bisexual baseball teammate and then calling him baby and princess and darling is pretty queer not gonna lie".

Kai just shook his head, one hand dragging his face as he sighed deeply. "Daz, don't start please".

I pursed my lips. "Why do you think it's so wrong Kai? I'm just curious" I said, putting my hands up. "I just wanna know why you think being gay is wrong, call me a criminal for wanting to know".

Kai took a deep breath, and I watched him as he sat down beside me. "Go to sleep, you look tired".

I gasped, offended even as I felt a yawn creep up. "How dare you change the subject? I'm appalled at your audacity-" I continued to rant as Kai got up again, this time to yank the covers out from under me and place them on my chest.

I fell silent when Kai placed a deep kiss to my mouth, his smooch-swollen lips soft against mine.

"Rest. That isn't a suggestion, that's an order. I'm going to get you some pain meds and some water and stuff and then I'll be off okay?" Kai said quietly, his face still mere centimeters away from my own.

I nodded, despite still being a little annoyed at his deflection and change of subject. Kai smiled, standing back up to his full height.

Within ten minutes, and two trips to the kitchen, there was a glass of water, two pills, and an impatient Kai standing in front of me.

"Take the meds Daz I gotta go" he grumbled. I huffed, crossing my arms. I had already taken the pain meds I was given, but next to me was two sleeping pills. I didn't feel like being drugged.

"I don't need the sleeping pills, Kai. Take them away!" I hissed. Kai rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll take them away if you promise to take a nap while I'm gone".

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