Ch. 32

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A/N: ok so basically i was going to wait to post this but I feel bad for being so inconsistent in posting so here u go

Friday, April 19th, 10:34pm

I paced the waiting room anxiously as I waited for my parents to come pick me up. After Kai's outburst, I was condemned to the main entrance to wait and not given any more information.

I chewed on my nails, wondering what could have possibly caused that outburst. I was sure it had to be because of his dad because I've never seen Kai act like that in my life. He was always annoyingly cool, calm, and collected.

The door opened and I saw my mom's face and immediately rushed to her. I gave her a ginormous hug, whispering a thousand sorrys into her ear. She rubbed her hand on my back comfortingly, letting me get it all out.

I pulled back and noticed that it was my mom and my dad, just like they said on the phone. I quickly gathered myself, getting right to the point.

"Okay so I know this is crazy and you only expected to bring me home tonight, but Kai had kind of a mental breakdown while he was calling his parents and he got taken back and I don't know what's going to happen to him but I know I don't want anything to happen to him and-"

"Woah woah woah, slow down." My dad held out his hands. "What? What about Kai?"

"Is he okay?" My mom asked, motherly worry already filling her eyes. I shook my head. "The police called his parents, and...let's just say they're not the most supportive people."

My dad's eyebrows furrowed. "Are they coming to pick him up?" He looked around the waiting room. There was only the one officer checking people in and out and doing paperwork. The rest were around the police station.

I shrugged. "I honestly don't know. But can we please try and get him out? I don't think he's been arrested, but I also don't know if his parents will come. I'd rather us take him home for the night and not risk him spending the night in jail."

There was a nod and shared look between my parents. "Let us talk to them. We'll see what we can do" they finally said, and I thanked them again and again, watching as they approached the desk.

As I watched the adults talk, a thought crossed my mind. I hadn't asked how Rhea was yet. Had she been discharged from the hospital? Was Iris taking care of her? Or Athena? Is Harmonia okay after all of this? Does she know what I've gotten myself into?

I felt my anxiety start to run wild so I stopped myself and took a deep breath. One thing at a time. And right now, that one thing was making sure Kai was safe.

Ambling up to the desk, I overheard what they were talking about.

"He's in the back. We have someone watching him. We're just worried he may hurt himself or, God forbid, another officer." The way she explained the situation made him sound like a violent criminal. My fists clenched.

"Is there any way we can do the paperwork to check him out of here? We don't know if his parents are coming or not. Or even if anyone is coming for him."

The officer hesitated, fingers pausing on her keyboard. "We...would most definitely prefer a legal guardian or parent to bring him home..."

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