Ch. 19

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[ unedited ]

Saturday, April 2nd, 10:12 pm
EN: You didn't think i'd forget, did you?

"I'm home!" I yelled cheerfully, fully expecting a reply before remembering the time. My whole family was likely trying to get to sleep. I took a deep breath, taking in the rare silence.

Until from the living room I heard a sneeze. And then, about three seconds later, a second one.

"Rhea?" I asked into the darkness. No reply.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I swerved around to the other side of the couch, only to see Iris hunched over, sweatshirt pulled over her head. My brows furrowed.

"Iris? Are you okay?" I sat down on the couch next to her, wincing slightly as my ass made contact. All I got back was a quick shake of the head. I sighed. "Are you sure?" I confirmed, trying to pull on her hood, but she resisted.

I gave up, retreating my hand. I sat for a couple more seconds before I asked again. "Seriously, Iris, what's wrong, you can tell me anyth-"

"Please leave me alone."

My back straightened. Iris's voice came out small but strong. "Fine," I finally conceded, "I'll leave you the fuck alone. You know we're all struggling with shit right? I'm just trying to help" I muttered, my patience wearing thin.

Iris raised her head to side eye me. "You don't get it Midas" she accused. I looked at her incredulously, getting a bit agitated now. "What do I not get?" I asked, my tone rising.

Iris shook her head, but I insisted. "No, seriously, tell me what the hell I don't get. First it was Rhea, and now you. I'm just trying to help!" Exasperated, I rubbed my temples as Iris scoffed.

"What you 'don't get', Midas, is what I'm going through. And you don't get what Ree is going through either. Sometimes, people just want to be alone with their thoughts, and somehow, you don't get that!" She snarked.

"I'm not just going to leave you here! Even though you're kind of being a jackass right now-"

"Leave. Me. Alone."

"Last time you were 'alone with your thoughts' you tried k-"

"MIDAS." Iris yelled, her voice cracking as she said it. I shut my mouth and looked away, my face turning red as I realized what I was about to say.

"Listen, I'm sorry Iris, that was really insensitive-" I tried to say but Iris just stood up, wiping the tears from her face. She crossed her arms and glared at me, her nostrils flaring as she fumed.

"You're an ass sometimes, you know that?" She said, but the words had no malice behind them, only hurt. I gulped as she walked away, looking down at my hands and feeling like a piece of shit.

My phone buzzed, and I rubbed the back of my neck as I clicked on it. It was from Kai.

dick wad: today was fun. we should do it again sometime...but only if u don't complain like a little bitch about every single thing i do.

Me: fuck off. never again. biggest mistake ive ever goddamn made.

dick wad: ??? wdym

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