Ch 2.

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Thursday, March 31st, 8:02 pm

Midas^^^ idk why he looks so sad

The rest of practice was pretty mundane to be honest. I was sweating the whole time, and then whenever we had a break, I would snatch Kai's water bottle first before he could take his words back and tell me I couldn't waterfall his water bottle anymore.

By the end of practice, I was over the fact that I was sharing a water bottle with Kai, and I was packing up my stuff when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to the face of coach Guild.

"Forty burpees, and four suicides, home to pitching mound to second base and back" she said plainly, and my face fell. "Forty?! And four suicides?! You're killing me!" I whined, but she just shook her head.

"If you're going to be late, then you have to take the repercussions with grace Daz. I'd like to have mercy, but seriously, you need to get your shit together. I noticed you're sharing a water bottle with Kai, so I'll tell him to stay here so you can get a sip from him at the end" she replied.

My face contorted in distaste, looking over at Kai, who was laying his head against the cool concrete of the dugout. His eyes were half closed and he looked so utterly at peace.

Beads of sweat ran down his smooth brown skin, and his eyelashes fluttered as he took a rest. I gulped down the bile in my throat.

"No, it's okay, you don't need to hold him here, really" I said absentmindedly, my eyes still stuck on Kai. Coach rolled her eyes. "Listen, Daz. I have a dinner to get to with my nephew that's very important, so I can't stay".

She reached up to my level and put her hands on either side of my head, turning it so I was looking right at her.

"It's Dustin's eighth birthday tomorrow, and me, the coolest, hippest aunt he has ever had, is taking him to good old steak n' shake. I have to go now, because his bed time happens to be at 9:30. This is real important to him, and honestly, just fucking suck it up. You can take a couple extra minutes with Kai, right?" She said, well aware of my rivalry with him.

I resisted the urge to whine again. Instead, I cast my eyes downwards, choosing not to reply to that last part. Eventually I said, "okay. Happy birthday to your nephew".

She smiled, content, and nodded at me before heading off, walking to Kai, who looked up at her curiously. I grimaced as she told him what was up, and then I bounced back to my feet as she started to leave, casting me one last look.

I sighed, deciding to do the burpees first.

Still slightly upset, I jogged back out into the hot sun and into the grass to start my burpees. I finished the first twenty with ease, and the next ten with a bit of difficulty, but after the thirty fifth, I was panting hard.

I managed to finish all forty, but my legs and arms felt like liquid. Jesus I need to get back in the gym I thought to myself as I swayed back into the dugout for my first drink of water.

Kai was waiting there, still sitting in the same position, intently watching me. I looked down at myself and noticed my pit stains, and I raked my fingers through my sweaty hair.

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