Ch. 5

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Thursday, March 31st, 10:28 pm

My room, while not the biggest room in the house, (mine was the third biggest, behind the master bedroom and Athena's room), was definitely the most decorated.

Posters covered the otherwise boring walls and ceiling, and my potted plants laid in the windowsill of my two big windows. My desk was strewn with textbooks and hurried notes, a cup of pencils and pens overflowing onto the floor, and my charger hung from its socket depressingly.

My laptop that I had gotten for Christmas this year charged in the opposite corner using the laptop specified charger I'd gotten for 40% off at Best Buy a couple months ago. My closet door was ajar, and my dresser holding all my other clothes was still open by a crack, probably stuck on another old pair of sweatpants.

My twin bed, overflowed with blankets, pillows, and the varied stuffed animals I had acquired from my sisters over the years, was unmade, and above it, pictures of me and my friends, Polaroids, paintings Rhea, Iris, Esme or Athena had painted for me, along with drawings my friends had done, uno cards, and a wine board that I had stuck all my pins from vacations in were splattered across the wall.

My overhead fan whirred lazily, and my plug in fan was pointed down as it sat on my beside table. My room was an absolute mess, but I absolutely loved it.

Pleased, I headed into my mess of a dresser to find a comfy pair of sweatpants and boxers for bed, because let's be honest, what kind of boy wears a shirt to bed?

Me. I am that kind of boy.

So, along with finding a pair of pants and boxers, I also found my go to sleep shirt, a satire shirt that read, "don't test me, I'm 43 and drunk" and had a picture of a random lady hunched over, skirt flipped up, with a wine glass in one hand and a shot glass in the other. I smiled as I remembered the day I got it.

I had found it in a thrift store while thrifting with Devon one time, and when I had showed it to her, she had almost pissed herself laughing.

It was a good deal too, only $3. But when I came home and showed mom the shirt, she looked genuinely haunted. "Please tell me that's only a pajama shirt" she had said.

I had frowned and replied, "what? Why?"

To which she had smiled grimly at me and said, "because I don't want Clarissa next door to get all pissy because a shirt called her out".

I had laughed it off, and worn the shirt the next day despite my moms warning. I even went up to Gabe, Clarissa's son, in the halls during my lunch period and told him about what my mom had said.

I spent the next hour and a half in the nurses office with an ice pack on my face and the next several days with a bruised eye, but it was still worth it.

Now I dragged myself into the bathroom, finally having the opportunity to shower. I turned it on, and fiddled with my phone for a bit while I waited for it to heat up.

I put out a hand to test the temperature. It was perfect. I stepped in and sighed as the warm water ran down my body, immediately calmed. I closed my eyes, massaging myself and trying my best to soothe my sore muscles.

All of a sudden, Kai's face popped into my head.

I tried to shake it but all I saw was his smirk, and his hair, glossy with sweat. I felt his lips against mine all over again, and the way his hand felt on my neck as he pulled me closer.

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