Ch. 35

249 10 5

Saturday, April 20th, 5:40am


I woke up with Midas's arms wrapped tightly around me.

I also woke up with the intense urge to pee.

I blushed, feeling Daz's arms tighten as he slept, practically pulling me back in when I tried to move. I ever so slowly crept out of his hold, smiling down at him as his body readjusted without me as a human pillow.

Pulling on a random pair of pajama pants I saw on the floor that were probably not dirty, I grabbed my phone and headed out to the bathroom just down the hall.

I walked quiet as I could, not wanting to disturb the sisters that I knew were in the rooms mere feet away, but as I tiptoed down the hall, I heard voices coming from downstairs.

It sounded like two people whispering to one another. Midas's parents, I bet I thought to myself. I wondered what they were saying...probably talking about me.

I put my hand on the doorknob to the bathroom door but hesitated. I knew it was dumb. But against my better judgement, peeing came second to finding out what they were saying.

I turned around, closing the small hallway space between the bathroom and the stairway.

I braced myself as I walked down the steps, listening to the voices getting louder and louder.

"...his dad must not be fully present" was the first thing I heard. I snorted. Yeah, pretty much. I got comfortable against the step. 

"We still don't know if has a safe place to go. But at the same time, I don't know if he can stay here. We're already tight on space..."

"Yes," a female voice, his mom, whispered, "we have enough on our plates without this extra drama. But he's obviously in a state of distress, and Midas obviously cares about him-"

"Esme," the other person, Midas's dad, whispered urgently, "we have our daughters to worry about. There's no space here. Rhea is still recovering, Athena is working overtime, Harmonia is showing signs of anxiety. We can't."

There was a moment's silence and I held my breath. "George," she whispered back softly, "he's a kid."

"He's a senior, almost eighteen. And this is a family issue. His family issue."

I'd heard enough. I clapped my hand over my mouth, retreating back up the stairs and stumbling into the bathroom.

I turned on the light and looked up at my reflection. My eyes were bloodshot, and my hair was in tangles. I looked a mess. I felt a mess, too.

After I finished in the bathroom, I crept back into Midas's room, looking around until I found the outfit I'd been wearing yesterday. I tried my best not to make any noise as I changed, but Midas seemed to be a deep sleeper, if his agape mouth and lack of moving had anything to say about it.

I then paced the room, waiting until I heard the garage door open and close. It seemed like they were going to work. I didn't know if they both worked or not, but I was willing to take the chance.

Taking a deep breath, I headed back down the hallway, slowly shutting the door behind me with a click. I turned back around to go down the hallway and almost screamed.

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