Ch. 34 (MA)

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Saturday, April 20th, 12:02am

He didn't have to tell me twice. Now with his consent, I kissed him, my lips melding to his like they always did. I smiled into the kiss, humming at the familiar feel, and even the familiar taste.

My hands gripped the back of his neck, grabbing by the nape while my body caged him in on top of my bed. "Fuck" Kai whispered under his breath through a particularly wet kiss, and that set me off.

"I'm going to show you love tonight, okay? Because you," I kissed his neck, licking the same spot and making him let out the smallest noise of pleasure, "are mine."

Kai's breath stuttered and his hips lifted. I smiled. "You like the idea of that? You like the idea of you being mine?"

My dick twitched as Kai moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head. "Mine and mine only," I muttered into his ear, "got it?"

He nodded feverishly and I bit my lip at the sight. In this state, Kai was mine. He wasn't the obnoxious, slightly taller, cocky teenager that he is usually; no, here he was mine.

I released a heavy breath, pulling back only to take off his shirt. As soon as it was off, my mouth was back on his, dipping my tongue in just the slightest bit. Kai's mouth opened wide, ready to accept my entire tongue, but I took my thumb instead and stuck it inside to settle on top of the pink flesh.

To my surprise, he happily latched on to it, even sucking on it a bit before letting go. I gave him a half-smirk. "Good boy," I praised him, to which he moaned. Loudly.

"Shh, Kai. You don't wanna get caught, now do you?" I chuckled, "or maybe you do" I mused.

Kai blushed, using his hands to bring me back down to kiss him. I gave him what he wanted for a minute before nibbling on his bottom lip, tasting just a little bit of blood on my own tongue.

Leaning back, I admired the boy in front of me. This was a boy who could get me to blush just from being in the same general area. His features have always been so infuriatingly charming. And now I'm the one in control.

My hand trails up and down his chest as I consider him. Finally, I open my mouth to speak. "May I mark you?"

Kai's eyes widened. "What? Mark? Um.." he blushed harder, " may."

I grinned, my head going downwards while I looked up at him, making sure I kept eye contact until the very last moment.

Using my mouth, I carefully sucked hickeys onto his smooth brown skin. His stomach moved and flowed with every one of my mouth's movements, and I relished in the way his knees would rise if I bit a little too hard.

I gave attention to his pelvic area, to his hips, and trailed love bites up his chest hair to end between his pecs. I then moved onto his collarbone, making sure to press my fingers into the marks to leave darker bruises. He hissed at the pain, but I could feel and hear how much his body was enjoying it.

"Please" he begged. "Please what?" I asked, stroking a particularly dark mark I'd just made right below his right pec.

"Please take off my pants, I can't- it's so uncomfortable." His legs twisted, and I tilted my head at him, smiling.

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