Ch. 12

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[ unedited ]

Saturday, April 2nd, 7:43 am

Fuck my head hurts like ass. That was the first thing that came to mind when I woke up. My head pounded and I squinted my eyes against the bright room, vision a little hazy.

I cuddled back under the covers, not wanting to get out of my bed. I pressed myself further into the source of my warmth, and frowned when I met something hard.

I pressed harder, smushing myself against the figure before an arm suddenly wrapped around my waist, pulling me in by my thigh.

My eyes widened, and my heart rate increased as the figure's hot breath hit the nape of my neck, his arm wrapped tightly around me.

Shit. Shit shit shit! Okay. Think Midas. Oh god I couldn't think, my brain hurt. I still couldn't see the guy behind me.

I winced, attempting to gather myself. Okay. What happened last night...what happened...

Blake's house. I want to go home. Griffin is there, and he tells me something.

"Don't fuck this up".

I'm drinking. And drinking. And leaning against the kitchen counter and drinking.

I'm watching somebody...dragging them away...getting between their legs, looking up into their piercing eyes as they glare down at me...

Oh shit, the deal with Griffin! Holy mother of balls I was on my knees last night for Kai. How humiliating.

I couldn't remember what else happened no matter how hard I tried. I remember him forcefully tugging my hair, and harshly thrusting into me.

I remember him pulling me onto his lap but I don't remember him helping me with my erection even though I had just sucked him off.

I scowled. If he was so shit to me last night, then why was I in his bed?

What did he do to me?

I tried turning around, slithering out of his grasp, but Kai instead pulled me tighter into his body, making me blush.

"Stop fucking moving, you idiot" he groaned, and I almost shivered at his low, husky morning voice. I humphed in contempt. I tried to pry his bulky arms off me, but again, he just held me closer in response.

"Get off of me" I whined, but I just heard him chuckle, his breath hitting my skin in short bursts. "Or what? What are you gonna do?" He whispered, curling his body so I was almost under him.

I took a deep, shuddering breath, and tried to calm my now very awake body.

"I'm gonna- I'm gonna-" I sputtered, but I couldn't come up with a tangible threat. Kai chuckled again before his lips made contact with my earlobe.

I tensed as his plump lips tugged on it, Kai taking his teeth and raking them along my earlobe and just underneath. I held back a moan.

"Why- why are you kissing me?" I asked, genuinely curious. I didn't remember anything about him kissing me last night, only me kissing him.

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