Ch. 21

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Saturday, April 9th, 1:43pm
*Emetophobia, look for 💗 to show it's over*
Early Post!!!!

Oh. Oh no.

I watched, astonished, as Kai gagged into the trash can, spitting between heaves of breath. The worst part was, I couldn't even tell if anything was coming out or if he was just...

I jogged over to him, putting my hand on his back and awkwardly rubbing in circles that I hoped to be soothing as I looked at him crying.

I hadn't ever seen him crying this hard before. He was usually so strong and calm and he was always angry, but never sad. Never like this. Never to this extent.

His hands on the edge of the trash can shook with tremors, grasping so hard that it was no doubt leaving moon shaped crevices in his hands. His hair fell into his eyes, curly hair meeting wet eyes. He heaved again.

I could see now that nothing was coming out. He was dry heaving. He screamed his frustrations, almost like he was wishing he would actually vomit.

At last, his noises ceased and he spit one last time before crouching down and releasing himself from the edge of the trash can.


Kai put his hands over his eyes, digging his palms into his sockets. He was still crying hysterically, desperate sounds of pain escaping him. His tears flowed freely, his face auburn, and I couldn't see his pretty brown eyes.

"Kai..." I whispered, but he shook his head. I tried again. "Kai let me help," and I moved towards him, but he flinched away from me. I startled, taken aback.

I didn't know what to do. I'd never really been in this type of situation before. I tried to think about what Athena would do, because she's always who I think about in any crisis. She would tell me to help them in any way I can.

Moving slowly, I took Kai in my arms, away from the trash can and more towards the wall. And then I hugged him. I held him and let him cry and didn't do anything except let him lean on me.

He shivered under my hold and I waited until his posture softened, his weight slowly coming onto me more and more until he was basically laying his head on my lap, curled on his side against the wall.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked gently, poking his back. Kai sniffed once more, mumbling.

" dad."

I frowned. "Your dad? What about him?"

Kai curled up again, taking a deep breath before continuing. "He's...always been iffy about me and my sexuality.

I remember one time, when I was a freshman, I had a huge crush on this one guy in class. His name was Zade, and I thought he was the cutest person on earth. We had history and English together and I'd spend both periods staring at him longingly.

One day, I had the balls to ask him to hangout over the weekend. I didn't have any particular plans, and I didn't even know if he was interested in guys, so the idea was mostly to just play video games.

Anyway, he got there, and I was way too obviously smitten. He saw right through me. Being two teenage boys exploring their sexuality, we ended up kissing.

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