Ch. 26

737 17 19

Friday, April 29th, 3:32pm
‼️ talk of ED‼️
Lowkey got grounded lol ! Hope you enjoy.

I stopped breathing. I could vaguely hear Kai asking what was wrong, but I was fixated on Iris's voice.

"The doctors have her hooked up to an IV, and they're saying she's suffering from malnutrition...talking about an eating disorder." Iris sniffed. "She passed out in her 8th period class, so they called and brought her to the hospital. Everyone else is here."

My jaw trembled. "I'll be there as soon as I can." With that, I hung up, pocketing my phone and staring. Yet another thing...I closed my eyes, feeling like I was ready to break. Fuck.

"Midas." Kai's voice finally broke through, and I registered the hand on my lower back at last. I flinched.

"Midas, what happened? Are you okay?" He sounded very concerned, but I just shook my head. "I need to go..." I murmured, stepping away a bit, but he caught my arm.

"Not before you tell me what's up. Please?"

I looked back at him, dead-eyed. "My sister is in the hospital for an ED." I stated flatly. Kai's eyes instantly filled with pity, so much that I had to look away.

"Midas I'm so sorry...Let me come with you to the hospital." I whipped my head back to face him. He gripped me more firmly. "You can't go there alone. You need somebody. You've dealt with a lot this past month."

I gave him a small smile, eyes on the pavement. "So have all my sisters, and yet all they have is each other."

Kai's eyes turned determined. "Well, you have me. And I'm coming with you. Come on." And with that, he was pulling me from under the staircase and we were on our way to the parking lot.

He held my arm the entire time we were speed-walking to the lot, and instead of my car, he insisted on his. We got to it, and before he could open the driver's door, I stopped him.


Kai looked at me, and I studied him and his stupid face. His hair was in front of his eyes a little, and his lips were parted, eyebrows furrowed in concern and determination.

I pushed the hair back from his face, gripped his chin, pulled him in, and kissed him hard.

He flinched in surprise at first, but then softened into the kiss. Our lips moved together smoothly, and his own hand traveled to the base of my neck, the other settling just atop my hip.

I pressed further in, loving the way it felt, and forgetting just how much I'd fucking missed it. My eyes watered and a singular tear dripped down onto my lip, seeping the salty flavor into the kiss.

Kai pulled away to breathe, our lips still millimeters apart. My lip trembled, and he responded by giving my forehead a firm kiss before pulling me into a hug. 

"It's okay," he whispered. "It's going to be okay. She will be okay."


We got to the hospital in record time, me texting my parents pretty much the entire time for updates. Rhea passed out towards the middle of class, but nobody really noticed because her head had fallen onto her desk. The teacher thought she was asleep until Rhea's friend had tapped on her and she hadn't woken up.

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