Ch. 28 (MA)

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Friday, April 29th, 8:16pm

Kazuya, despite his statement, was struck stiff as Zade walked back to his car, still staring at my lips. He was within a breath of me and yet he just...looked. At me. Into me.

My skin flushed, locked in a moment of...well, I don't know what it was a moment of but it was something. Oh boy was it something.

Oh boy was he something.

I barely spared Zade a second thought before I locked in with Kai again. Suddenly I was in that same corner under the stairwell, trapped under a gaze that wouldn't waver. His eyes shifted back and forth like he was really seeing me. And I think he was. I truly think he is.

"So..." I whispered under my breath, still running high on adrenaline, "you actually gonna kiss me or was that just to make Zade go away?"

I brushed my thumb along his cheek, and instead of flinching away or smirking at me like he might've done a few weeks ago, he melted into the touch. It was like all the tension had poured out of him as soon as my finger touched him. I watched his cheeks flush in real time.

Kazuya's eyes slowly closed as his lips breathed against mine, like we were sharing a body, and my breath was his and his breath was mine. I had tingles down to my toes, anticipation telling me to quickly grab a hold of him before he ran away, but I resisted, instead gently taking his chin and finally closing the small space between us.

Our lips touched in a moment that I knew I would remember for the rest of my life. Because this kiss wasn't as hurried like the others had been, or laced with the feeling we were doing something wrong. This kiss wasn't filled with lust from head to toe or so deep I could feel the vibrations and hum of his throat and swallow.

No, this kiss was light. This kiss was a promise, an oath. This kiss was the foreword to a play, an acknowledgement page at the beginning of a book. This kiss was a kiss that said "I will be here."

In other words, it was fucking amazing.

And it was enough, of course it was enough. Whatever Kazuya gave to me would always be enough. I knew that and so did he.

But then again, I knew now from experience that he wanted more. And considering the last couple of things I've put him through and the no doubt rough past couple of weeks he's experienced, he not only deserved it, but he would be extra grateful. And Kai grateful is something that will always make me happy, both upstairs and downstairs.

So I implored him deeper on the kiss. His lips slid across mine with a buzz like mint chapstick, a small push of breath through his nostrils. I opened my mouth against his, delving the tip of my tongue just slightly in to hear his inevitable sound of enjoyment, a satisfied groan that rumbled up and out of him in a low whoosh.

I slowly pushed him back, knowing full well his driver's door was still open, but to my surprise he reached back and shut it, fumbling behind him for the passenger door handle instead. Smart.

His breaths were less breath than pant as I finished the job for him, my air coming just as hurried as his. It vaguely occurred to me that we were still in the school parking lot, but that thought quickly vanished when I saw Kai, hands bracing himself, half on and off the seat. His eyes were glazed and his mouth was dropped open, looking only at me.


I quickly pushed him back and down, almost shutting the door on my ankles in my haste. But it didn't matter. Nothing mattered when Kai was looking at me with such...want. Like he needed this. And God if I didn't need it too. I would be lying if I said I hadn't been daydreaming (and night dreaming) of this moment.

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