Ch. 14

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Saturday, April 2nd, 11:48 am


Kai grunted at the sudden weight of me on him, but a smile just as quickly spread across his face at the reality of it all, and he sneakily placed a hand around my waist just as Griffin walked into the dugout.

He noticed us immediately, and what he saw was a grinning Kai and a furiously blushing me. He gave me a single small nod of approval and Kai a small smirk before going on about his business.

I sighed in relief, thankful that I was safe for now. I felt almost relaxed until Kai's fingers started to drift downwards, making a trail down my body. I immediately jumped and tried to stand up, but his strong, tanned arms firmly wrapped around my torso and forced me back onto his lap.

"Might I remind you that you initiated this, Midas?" he whispered huskily in my ear. "Don't tell me you're not going to finish it".

I shivered at his low voice despite the hot, muggy, morning. Sweat settled on my brow as I tried to look for some way to possibly get out of this.

"Practice s-starts soon" I stuttered back to him, my eyes flitting nervously about. There weren't many people here, and the few that were here were either Kai's friends or knew better than to mess with or question him, but I still felt a flush of red traveling up my torso and into my neck at the possibility of anyone else seeing whatever the hell it was we were doing.

"Mmm...practice starts in...10 just let me enjoy this, okay? I've had a bad morning" He purred into my ear, lips in a pout as two of his fingers hooked around one of the belt loops of my pants. I felt a shuddering gasp escape me, and his other hand went to cover my mouth at the sound, his warm skin making me feel like I was melting.

As he muted my sounds of protest, he put his other hand into action, untucking my jersey swiftly so his hands could make contact with my bare stomach.

I went completely silent, my senses hyperaware of every little movement Kai was making, and he eventually took his hand away with a small smile, grasping the very bottom of my throat and leaning my head back to rest on his shoulder, exposing my whole neck to him. My Adam's apple went up and down as I took small, cautious gulps of air, staring up at Kai who was grinning back down at me.

With a single cautious glance to see if anybody was watching, Kai took his lips and placed them directly on my collarbone on my left shoulder, just below where my jersey ended. I subconsciously tilted my head to give him more access. His lips felt so good on my shoulder.

Kai's fingertips grazed my shoulder as well, the soft pad of his thumb them stroking the hot surface of my shoulder blade softly, sending odd icy shots of pleasure through me.

Another gasp escaped me, and I squirmed in his lap a bit as his warm, wet lips continued to suckle at my skin, two fingers sliding across my waist, his arms trapping me in and making me completely immobile and in his control.

"Kai..." I breathed out. Kai smiled against my skin at the mention of his name, nipping at my collar, and I groaned quietly when he ran his tongue along the place he had just marked.

He finally loosened up his grip a bit, allowing my jersey to cover the hickey he'd just given me, but he kept me on his lap, turning us even further away from the sight of our teammates.

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