Ch. 3

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Thursday, March 31st, 9:01 pm

Better picture of Midas^^^

Finally, I made it home, and I quickly slipped off my cleats, which somehow during the drive had not scratched my car pedals.

Stumbling inside, my legs still very sore and feeling comparable to jelly, I opened the garage with the code, and dropped my baseball bag in the corner next to my batting tee. When I, at last, walked in the door, turning off the alarm that screeched out, I was greeted with a tight hug.

The force of the nine year old that had just run full force into me made me stumble back a bit, but I quickly recovered, hugging my littlest sister, Harmonia, back.

"Well hello there Harmon. Did you miss me?" I asked with a laugh. She nodded against my sweat plastered jersey, and I smiled down at her. She was somehow immune to the smell that I knew I had encircling me. Perhaps it was because she did softball and knew the stench just as well as I did.

I looked up and saw my oldest sister, Athena, standing in the doorway, leaning against it.

Her waist length dark brown wavy hair was damp looking, like she had just gotten out of the shower. It settled heavy in two glossy braids that reached just above her hip bone, and she crinkled her pierced nose at me as she smelled the distinct scent of sweat and hard work.

She wore her favorite comfy outfit, which consisted of her black joggers and her favorite band tee of all time, Green Day.

She looked really tired, but still gave me a cheeky smile as she looked me up and down.

"You stink" she said, waving her hand in front of her nose for added effect. I rolled my eyes at her, letting go of Harmonia, who ran off to an unknown location, possibly her room, to go play with some of her toys.

"I know" I replied, smiling as I stepped towards her. She smiled back, her still damp hair swishing as she hugged me tightly.

She quickly stepped away, so as not to get my stink on her, but it was enough of a hug to be comforting.

"Dinner happened a while ago. It was meatloaf with dad's special sauce" she said to me as soon as we started to walk further into the house. My mouth immediately started to water. Dad's special sauce was always the best. I frowned, disappointed I couldn't have had it fresh.

"Mom saved some for you to heat up" Athena continued, reading my mind, "but a lot of it was chowed down by us. And I'm pretty sure I saw Iris trying to sneak a couple extra bites" she gave a pointed look to Iris, who was sitting on the couch, drawing something.

"I heard that" Iris half replied, focused on her drawing. I smiled and tried to sneak a look at what she was drawing while Athena opened the fridge. It looked to be some sort of person, but Iris noticed me watching and pulled her drawing pad away from my sight before I could recognize who it was.

"Jeez, alright, sassy. I guess you don't have to show your big brother anything" I grumbled, before leaving to go sit down at the dining table.

I blew out a breath as Athena heated up my food in the microwave, putting my head in my hands, feeling exhausted.

I looked up, and my eyebrows furrowed, suddenly noticing something. "Hey Athena, where's Rhea?" I asked, curious why my second youngest sister wasn't at my hip like she usually was. Athena just shrugged, leaning against the counter as the microwave whirred, arms folded casually across her chest.

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