Ch. 17

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Saturday, April 2nd, 3:47 pm
A Thanksgiving Treat <333

I scoffed hard at Kai's question. I was about to make a snarky comment, perhaps something like, "are you okay not trying to fuck either of my holes for a day?"...But then I actually tried to sit up.

My legs were completely and totally numb, so much so that when I tried to sit up and move them, they didn't budge. They were like bags full of lead. Well, I could still feel them, but I sure as hell couldn't move them.

The sensation was so foreign, so new, so uncomfortable, to me, that I screamed. Loud.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!" I yelped, holding my legs. Kai jumped at my exclamation, and he was surprisingly very quick to respond.

"Shit shit shit shit shit" I heard him mutter over and over again as he practically fell out of the car, clumsily pushing the door open and stumbling out to get to my side of the car through the other door.

He opened the door that was behind me as I continued to panic.

"I can't feel my legs!" I cried, and Kai, not for the first time today, looked a little bit uncomfortable.

"Jesus, Daz, I didn't know you'd be so sensitive..." he muttered quietly, frowning down at my paralytic state, hands awkwardly raised.

"What do you mean?!"

"Well, aren't you bi?"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"But you like- you like guys and stuff, you're sexually attracted to guys, and you had a boyfriend too for, like, a year!"

"Yeah, well here's a fuckin' news flash, dumbass! Just because I'm bi and I have had a boyfriend doesn't mean I've ever done anal!"

"That was your first time doing anal?!"

"Receiving! Yes!"

"Holy fucking shit, I took away your anal virginity?!"

"That is not what that's called, Kai".

Kai just stared at me, open-mouthed.

He took a few more moments before apparently coming to an unspoken conclusion. I watched him impatiently as he hesitated for just a second more before he picked me up, bridal style.

"Hey! What the- put me down!" I yelled, startled. I hit him weakly with my fist, my legs dangling as he easily lifted me out of the crusty car. Out of my crusty car.

"No, I'm not letting you drive, that would be dumb".

"So what are you gonna do with me then?!"

"I'm gonna take you to my house".

"Fucking what? Like hell you are! Put me down!" I kept hitting him, flailing, my legs tingling. I could at least make them move enough to try and get him to drop me.

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