Ch. 16 (MA)

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Saturday, April 2nd, 1:40 pm

warning ⚠️ mature (& kinky) content!
A late night post ;)

What happened next was too quick for me to even protest.

One second, I was staring straight into Kai's stupidly brown eyes, and the next, I was on my stomach, and Kai's hands were at my belt.

"So you want to play that game, hm? You want to play that game?" Kai hissed into my ear, quickly sliding off my belt and throwing it in the front seat.

I made a small sound somewhere between a gasp of shock and a wince of dread, baffled.

"Oh now you're quiet. I get it" Kai said, a smirk in his voice as his hands stopped their movement. "Mr. Confident is so loud until he's actually in danger of being fucked. Well let me tell you, Dazzy, what you're going to learn with me".

Kai leaned down to whisper in my ear, the pressure of his crotch against even my covered ass enough to make me shift.

"With me, you're going to learn to finish what you start".

With that, he continued to strip me, reaching underneath to unzip my zipper, one hand trapping my hands behind my back again as the other skillfully unbuttoned my baseball pants.

He used both hands to bring my baseball pants all the way down to my shoes, and I took the moment to try to push myself up.

I was quickly pushed back down though, as Kai pushed on my back at the same time as he grabbed my wrists.

I fell back down on the seat with a thump, flushing red with embarrassment.

"What Midas? You don't want this? You don't want it? Tell me you don't want it, baby, and I'll stop" he said teasingly. I trembled, but I kept up my composure.

I wasn't going to be scared now. After all, I was still confident that Kai didn't have it in himself to keep his promises, so what did I have to lose?

I swallowed.

My silence was enough for Kai. He chuckled a bit before he yanked down my boxers as well, then turned to pry off my shoes, throwing the clothes and the shoes off somewhere else in the car.

Now it was just Kai sitting back on my knees as he stared at me, half-naked, on my stomach for him, bare ass on show.

My face just got redder and redder as the minutes stretched on.

Kai adjusted himself, and I was about to ask what the hell he was doing when his hand made contact with my right asscheek.

"Holy fuck!" I yelped, unable to help myself as the pain shot through me. I couldn't even fully recover from the contact before he was switching to the other one, slapping harder this time.

"You don't think this is some BDSM novel? I can make it a BDSM novel, Dazzy. Here's your punishment".

Kai continued to do this, alternating each time, a cry exiting my mouth each time it happened. By the end, my ass was red and sore, and my legs trembled.

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