Fall Aesthetic | Taegi

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Taehyung falls for Min Yoongi, a person who merely needed a photographer to satisfy his mom's wants.

Words: 9,637


Kim Taehyung had always been a sucker for cute things, for soft things, for aesthetics, pretty views, great scenery— you name it.

He himself was a sight on his own, but give him a camera and you'll fall in love with the way he photographs the things he sees. When you see his photos, he'll have you feeling like you're actually there with him.

It's pretty nice, really. Very pleasing.

Min Yoongi, though, merely needed a photoshoot because his parents wanted it. It's his last school days, and his parents are basically forcing him to do all the things that they never did— and regretted not doing.

"Honey, if you don't make memories and keep them, you will regret it." His mom told him.

"Yeah, but you're making me do all the work." The young man groaned as he searched on social media, looking for a photographer to take his end of the school year photos. His mother chuckled, still stirring the soup she had been making before she ever even started the conversation with Yoongi.

"How will you be out there in the real world if you do nothing for yourself?" She asked. "I'm just teaching you, son." She shrugged.

Yoongi hummed as he came across Kim Taehyung's Instagram. He and Taehyung actually went to school together- maybe he was in the same class, maybe not. Yoongi can't remember, but he does have different classes than Taehyung. He'd never see him unless it was at lunch or in the halls on the way to class. Yoongi never even paid attention to him anyways, up until now as he stared at the pretty photos he'd posted on his media.

"Hm.." He looked at more of the photos.

His mom looked back at him, seeing him slouched over the dinner table as he scrolled on his phone. "Find something?" She asked.

Yoongi nodded, reading the captions on every single post. "Maybe."

"Good!" She sounded a little too happy. "Ask them if they'd take pictures of my baby—"

"Mom," Yoongi whined loudly.

"Oh, come on." She walked towards him and peeped at his phone. "Oh, that's pretty!" She pointed at one of the brighter photos. Of course. She's genuinely always bright.

Yoongi chuckled. "But I go to school with him, though. Wouldn't that be weird?" He asked.

His mom's eyes widened. "He does? He's really good at photography. I bet he'll get into that in university." She said.

"Mom, I'm not becoming his best friend or anything, dear lord." Yoongi chuckled. "You don't have to dig so deep into his life if he's just taking some pictures of me." He said.

She frowned. "Why can't you make friends?" She asked. "You need to live a little."

Yoongi laughed forcefully.

He had friends— Namjoon and Hoseok. But his mom always wants him to bring someone new home to meet, and he feels bad for never doing that, but he's fine with things now.

Yoongi isn't looking for friends.

"What do I ask him, mom?" Yoongi changed the subject before she got really into it.

She sighed. "Okay, so.."


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