💕 "I Don't Sing" | Jinkook

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[Summary] (Com Work)

Seokjin is excited for this year's musical, but his soul is crushed when he finds out nobody is willing to audition. He sets out to get people involved, but he wasn't expecting to find such an angelic voice on the way.

Or:  Where Seokjin is desperate to get Jeon Jungkook— captain of the baseball team— to audition for this year's musical after accidentally walking in on him singing.

(HSM Chad & Ryan inspired lol)

Words: 6,664


  Kim Seokjin; there had never been a man so all-for loving of Musical Theatre.

  Theatre is a getaway. Theatre lets a person shine through their endless creativity. Theatre is a home, and the people and the students involved are a family. Theatre is wonderful. Incredible. Amazing.

  Theatre is going downhill.

  "What the hell is this?" Seokjin, the president of the drama club, was completely shocked as he looked down at a nearly blank piece of paper. "This is all the people who joined the club this year? This is like— not even half of what we usually have. Where is everyone?"

  His close friend, Taehyung, glanced over at the paper as well. "I'd hate to see how many people are actually majoring in Theatre this year, too," he muttered.

  Seokjin shivered.

  Where the hell was everyone?

  Theatre is freaking awesome! The acting, the singing, the skill, the wonderful feeling of going up on stage and having that spotlight heat hit you in the eyes— in the best way possible. The plays are so fun to read over and act out! Improving and singing together as exercises is just as much fun! Who the hell wouldn't want to join?

  "I don't even think this is enough people to do a small play," he nearly wanted to whine as he spoke. "Our professor... She's going to be so upset! She doesn't deserve this. She's too kind, Tae. We need to fix this. We just have to."

  Taehyung frowned at him as they both walked into Theatre class. The first day of University. The first class would be starting in five minutes and there were at least a good bit of people, but it just wasn't going to cut it.

  Usually, Seokjin can talk students into joining the club— the club usually holds people willing to join their musicals and plays. The only thing Seokjin can really depend on is if their professor announces that they're doing a play instead of a full musical. Finding actors is easier than finding actors plus singers.

  But most of the people he saw sitting down were either set designers, make-up, or costume students who had been there the year before.

  "Taehyung-ah..." Seokjin wanted to ball his list up and call it a joke. "We're gonna have to convince people to join our club."


  The first group of people he had asked merely laughed at him. Told him they wouldn't be caught on stage even dead. Stage fright. That's the case for most people, anyway.

  The next group of friends he had asked was sitting on a bench, only three of them. None of them seemed interested and Seokjin felt like he was just forcing a brick wall to listen to his begging, so he left them alone and sighed to move on to the next.

  And the next group had one person that at least took the flyer Seokjin had been trying to give out, but other people had refused. So out of three groups, he'd only gotten one- maybe.

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