[Summary] (com work)
Seokjin decides to find the perfect somebody; the perfect lover to spend the rest of his life with.
But his youngest bandmate gets incredibly touchy and clingy every single time he finds someone. How could he find love with Jungkook holding onto him like that?
(canon compliant, jealous jk, smut)
Words: 7,983
Seokjin truly tries his best.
When it came to being the best son he could be, he kept his grades up as well as possible and he decided to take up acting to make his family proud. He tried his best with that, but then ended up trying ten times as hard after the day he was accepted to be a trainee at Bighit Entertainment.
He tried his damndest when they told him to take vocal and dancing lessons. He worked his ass off and forced himself to endure the hardship and pain along with around thirty other people— but he tried so hard that he ended up debuting in BTS, which led to him trying harder than he's ever done in his entire life.
He'd tried his best for well over half of his life and he wouldn't stop now.
It's years later now and Seokjin just wants to settle down.
Something like a reward.
"I'm meeting up with an old friend today," he randomly announces to the two sitting in the living room with him— Jimin and Jungkook.
Jimin didn't really seem to care much, hardly raising his head to acknowledge him, but Jungkook raised his head and kept his eyes on him. He was probably wondering either why Seokjin was suddenly telling them this or he was stunned by the fact that Seokjin was going out to meet someone.
"An old friend?" he soon questions, cocking his eyebrow. It doesn't take long at all before he's prying himself off the other end of the couch and then sits between Seokjin and Jimin, his knee brushing against Seokjin's. "Thought we were hanging out today, hyung. That's the only reason I'm here right now. You promised we'd cook tonight." His lips form a frown and it makes Seokjin frown as well.
He had promised Jungkook that they'd cook together because they were both tired of ordering takeout and wanted homemade food. However, Seokjin had either forgotten or just didn't care— and it wasn't the latter, though Jungkook's frown made it seem like so.
"I forgot," Seokjin lets out apologetically, then also gives a sorried smile as Jungkook looks up at him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know we were actually going to cook. I didn't know we were doing it today either..?"
Were they supposed to? He hardly remembers saying so.
They had talked about it nearly a week ago, so he sort of pushed it to the back of his mind somewhere and it got lost between schedules and practices. He didn't mean to forget, but did they ever set a date to do so? He can't remember discussing a certain date or time.
"We'll do it next time, Jungkook-ah."
"Who are you going to meet?" Jungkook asks curiously, nibbling at his lower lip as he waits for an answer. "What old friend are you talking about?"
An old friend.
Park Hyeji. Seokjin knows her from years back, when he had first joined Bighit for auditions. They'd met each other and were friends just before Seokjin had to start focusing more as a trainee and they fell off, never having the chance to contact each other again.

My BTS Oneshots
FanficBTS Oneshots- mostly Taegi, Yoonkook, Jinkook, Yoonmin (but i write ALL ships. i don't take requests btw!) ❗️Some of these fics include mature content 🔞 ‼️DO NOT REPOST MY FICS‼️