💕 all mine | jinkook

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[Summary] (com work)

Jungkook gets jealous of the tennis coach from Run BTS. He gets jealous every time the coach praises Seokjin and makes his ears turn red— because he's the only one who's supposed to do that!

So, Jungkook shows Seokjin back at home just who the only person that can make him blush is.

Words: 6,563



  Jungkook was fully into a deep sleep. The cute pet name went straight into one ear and right out the other.

  "Baby, you need to wake up. We have filming today."

  He was still sleeping away, but he wrapped his arms tight around Seokjin, who was lying next to him and was trying to wake him up. Jungkook didn't want the day to start and he didn't want to let go of his boyfriend. He didn't want Seokjin to wake him up and he sure as hell didn't want Seokjin to pull away from him.

  Jungkook pouted once he felt the dip in the bed next to him slowly drift away and instead of snuggling peacefully, his eyes fluttered open once his arms were deserted. His eyes were a bit blurry, but the faint image of Seokjin sitting at the edge of the bed and seeing his back facing him made Jungkook frown.

  He always found himself coming into Seokjin's bedroom even before they had started dating.

  It was about a year ago that Jungkook had finally built up the courage to confess to Seokjin. He was so terrified back then. They'd been in BTS for so long and Jungkook was afraid that Seokjin thought of him as a mere little brother or just a friend, but his feelings still built up more and more over the years.

  Seokjin is so amazing, with the way he had helped Jungkook and the others since the very beginning. He was and still is so handsome— and he never stops getting more handsome every single year. Jungkook loved how funny and playful Seokjin started getting with time and he loved the way Seokjin would let him latch on and hug or cuddle or just be with him. Jungkook got so used to Seokjin and he started falling in love so easily.

  He started falling so hard that he just had to tell him. He didn't want his feelings to be bottled up and he knew Seokjin wouldn't scold him for his feelings.

  He knew Seokjin wouldn't scold him, but he never knew that Seokjin would smile and pat his head, then tell him he loves him too— that he was falling in love too.

  It was almost too easy, the way Seokjin had leaned in for their first kiss, so slow that Jungkook could almost taste him before he reached his lips. And it was almost too easy, how their relationship went about. They somehow became even more inseparable and the other members would either roll their eyes or tease them about it.

  But on countless days like today, where Seokjin would wake up and wake Jungkook up as well, almost having to drag him up to go film, Jungkook wanted to groan and pitch a fit about it. The cameras never get to catch the moments Jungkook wants them to catch; the times he'd press his lips to Seokjin's or the times they'd hug and tease each other in between sets or breaks. They'd never see it all.

  Jungkook wished he could shout his love out to the world.

  "Baby, we have Run to film today."

  But Jungkook can't shout his love for him on Run BTS.

  "Get up, Jungkook-ah."

  Jungkook sighed and grunted out as he stretched his arms over his head, stretching his legs out over the bed— something to signal to his boyfriend that he was indeed finally getting out of bed. So, Seokjin patted his stomach playfully, causing Jungkook to shoot his eyes open and giggle, but Seokjin was getting off the bed and making his way to the bathroom before he could say or do anything.

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