wintery like you | taejin

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🔞 + A/B/O ❗️

Where alpha Seokjin and omega Taehyung are arranged to mate with each other and the omega soon goes into heat, begging for his new alpha to help him out.

words: 3,898

this fic was a giveaway for @ namuskive_ on twitter


Seokjin wasn't sure what he was expecting when his parents told him that they'd discussed and arranged a potential mating for him— specifically him.

His pack had always been on the greatest terms with the other Kim pack. That was something that Seokjin didn't really care to look into, though. He knew how much his parents and his pack had gotten along with the other one— they'd always helped each other out and had been there for each other for years and years, but Seokjin didn't really care to look back on it.

He knew that his parents had been acting strange here recently. They'd been oddly quiet every time Seokjin came into the kitchen and they'd given the slightest hints to Seokjin that he was in fact a grown man now, a grown alpha who needed to settle down soon.

Seokjin wanted to settle down with someone as well.

His parents never forced him into anything and as a twenty-three year old man who'd recently graduated university and gotten settled into his future career, he agreed with what his parents were saying; he should be settling down sometime soon.

But even so, none of that could've ceased the shock that hit Seokjin when his parents told him that the other Kim pack had proposed something so big to particularly him and him only.

They wanted Seokjin to mate and be with their son— their omega son— to merge the two Kim packs and finally be as one through such a deal.

The shocking thought of meeting this potential mate, being together, mating, and even moving in together— it all suddenly hit him as his parents looked dead serious about it as well. It was obvious in their hopeful eyes that they wanted him to say yes.

Seokjin had never seen the Kim pack's son— not since they were little, apparently. His mom told him that they played together as kids, but Seokjin didn't remember it in the slightest. Too much information from college and too many friends from high school really jumbled up his brain. There was no way he could remember someone from when he was six years old like that.

Instead of sitting and thinking for forever about it, Seokjin immediately told his parents that he'd like to meet the omega before ever accepting such a huge arrangement. They seemed very excited and pleased by the answer, his mother as enthusiastic as ever.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll love him, son." She winked, but Seokjin wasn't so sure about that.

Seokjin wasn't so sure until the day arrived to meet the omega.

He wasn't alone. His parents had invited the pack over and they gladly agreed, their son Kim Taehyung coming over— and Seokjin would be lying to say he wasn't nervous, that heightened anxious feeling and racing heart in his chest making him too aware of everything like the way the couch decorative pillow was a centimeter too uneven or the way the weather didn't feel so perfect for this sort of meeting, dark clouds shadowing over their home.

Suddenly, he wanted everything to be perfect.

But that wasn't so hard to achieve:

Once the other pack's head family got to their home, Perfect walked right in behind the welcomed middle-aged couple. Perfect came peeking behind his parents, his curious brown eyes locking with Seokjin's and immediately shying away once they did. Seokjin didn't take his eyes off of the omega, though. Even when they all greeted each other and the two potential mates took their slight bows, Seokjin kept his gaze on him.

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