💕 Closer (than we've ever been) | Namgi

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[Summary] 🔞

Producer Min Yoongi and rapper Kim Namjoon don't get along in the slightest, but behind closed doors, it's impossible to keep their hands to themselves.

[ Switch Namjoon & Switch Yoongi (they both bottom and both top at some point), Lots of Smut, Kissing, Blow Job, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Hickeys/Marking, Enemies with Benefits, Eventual Happy Ending + hinted Romance ]

Words: 13,628


Yoongi swiftly lifts up the black glasses that's slipping down his nose and he tries to focus harder on his music. His computer screen is extremely bright in his dark studio, but he doesn't care enough to get up and turn on at least a lamp.

He's been working in his studio all day with a headache slowly building due to the bright screen and lack of a nice, healthy meal– today's dinner was noodles and a coffee, which doesn't sit well with Yoongi, but it keeps him alive to work on more producing.

The company he works under is in constant need of songs for their two main stars, which is a boy group and a solo rapper. Yoongi lives for creating music for or with these stars. He's their main producer, after all.

Sort of. He's the group's main producer.

The rapper... Kim Namjoon; he produces and writes a lot of his own songs, Yoongi knew about him pretty well before they both entered the same company by mistake, and, oh yeah, Yoongi and Namjoon don't exactly get along.

Yoongi was also a rapper once upon a time, but he opted for producing instead as a main source of income and his main passion. When he used to rap underground, Namjoon was pretty much his only competition. They've said a few things here and there, which led to snarky remarks and not-exactly friendly looks at each other.

He remembers the day Kim Namjoon walked through the company doors to audition because Yoongi had been in the hallway at his new workplace and happened to run right into the younger, completely repulsed and irritated to even think about working with the rapper.

But Namjoon very fairly went through training and was chosen to debut as a solo artist, which didn't really surprise Yoongi, but the look on his face when he realized he'd have to write and produce for Namjoon spoke every nasty thought he had back then.

Now, he's actually kind of glad that Namjoon writes most of his own music. It gives Yoongi at least a little relief.


There's a knock on Yoongi's door and he doesn't want to answer it. Nobody ever bothers him by knocking unless there's food on the way– which there isn't– and the group members always message him before coming over so that he'll know they're ready to produce or record or show him something.

Yoongi looks at his phone and grimaces as he sees the late time, but his stomach drops as he realizes there's no messages from anyone except group member Jimin, who tells him to eat something and stop hiding out in his studio. He sets his phone aside.

There's only one person it could be, especially as he hears a harder knock coming through his door.

He slips out of his seat and stretches, grunting to himself as he feels his stiff muscles tug eagerly for some relief. When he goes to open the door, he pushes his glasses up once more and sighs as he looks down at the doormat that's outside of his studio— the mat that has a kitty flipping people off and telling them "Go Away".

There, on the mat, is a pair of white Nike sneakers, and he slowly scans up the familiar figure, first seeing dark cargo pants, then a grey t-shirt which frames a big chest and muscly arms, and he eventually comes face-to-face with the person he definitely doesn't want to see right now.

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