💕 the babiest of them all | namgiseok (part 2 - Happiest Birthday)

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[Summary] (com work)

It's Yoongi's birthday and his boyfriends Namjoon and Hoseok decide to spoil him for a lovely date and an even lovelier surprise back at home.

(part 2)

Words: 2,648


The second Yoongi opened his eyes to a new morning, he immediately grew suspicious solely because of two reasons.

Reason one was the fact that today was his birthday. Today he'd woken up as a twenty-six-year-old man and life had really never felt so good. He didn't have work today and he had his two lovely boyfriends to spend the day with.

Speaking of his two boyfriends, they were why reason number two came into his head: Hoseok and Namjoon were both missing from the bed they normally all sleep in together. Both of Yoongi's boyfriends were out of sight and it was too early in the morning for it to not be suspicious of them.

Yoongi rolled away from the middle of the bed and stretched his arms above his head, yawning just before he stood up and made his way to the kitchen down the short hallway.

Though he was still a bit sleepy, the more he got a grip and looked around— seeing Namjoon closing the lid to a bowl and seeing Hoseok chopping something red on a cutting board— he could tell that the two were up to something.

"What're you two doing?"

Both of their heads turned to Yoongi, their eyes a bit widened.

"Oh, hyung!" Namjoon sounded surprised.

"Hi baby," Hoseok let out, a hearty smile forming on his face as he set his knife down and set his full attention on the oldest. "Happy birthday. Are you ready for a fun little date with us? Hm?"

The three had been together for a few years now, but they'd known each other for longer, being best friends since Yoongi could even remember. It had become their usual thing to take the birthday boyfriend out on a date to celebrate. Today being Yoongi's lucky day, he was sure his boyfriends had planned something cute as they normally do.

Namjoon left the closed bowl and stepped up to Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his waist and lowering his chin to his shoulder.

"Are you still sleepy?" he asked. Yoongi simply hugged him back, letting his eyes flutter closed happily. "It's your birthday, baby. If you want to go back to sleep, you can. We'll wake you up later."

However, Yoongi shook his head. "I'm awake, Joon. I'm just gonna go freshen up in the bathroom and then investigate what it is you guys are up to," he said, then poked Namjoon playfully in the side. The younger chuckled as he pulled away, clutching his body protectively.

"Don't mind us, hyung," Namjoon called out as Yoongi walked down the hall towards the bathroom.

Quickly, Yoongi washed his face and fixed his hair, then brushed his teeth and pursed his lips as he eyed himself in the mirror. Another year, he'd lasted. Another year with his dorky boyfriends— the two dorks he's in love with, though.

When he went back to the kitchen, the two had completely cleaned up and the only thing in sight was the few closed bowls stacked on the counter. They looked like they'd just got finished as Namjoon was washing his hands and Hoseok had hardly finished wiping the counter off.

"Are you ready to hear what we planned for today, baby?" Hoseok wrapped his arm around Yoongi, smiling away— suspicious as ever. Yoongi nodded, still pursing his lips. "Well. You said you wanted to do something unexpected for once, so we're taking you to the beach! Yay!"

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