The Investigation Continues

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Rui leads me down the hall to a beautiful room. I've never seen anything like it!

"Woah!" I exclaim in astonishment, "So many flowers!"

"Yes, it really is, isn't it. Maybe there's a clue here." Rui responds.

I look through the patches of flowers before stepping on something squishy.

"Ouch," someone says very apathetically.

Mafuyu sits up and stares at me.

"Mafuyu?" I ask.

"Mizuki," Mafuyu responds.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"I'm not sure. Just lying here I guess."

"There was a murder and you're just lying around?"

"Oh, right. Someone was murdered, huh. Who was it?"


"Ena," Mafuyu repeats.

"Really? That's all you have to say? How long have you even been here?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe since 9:00."

"Really? Did you see anyone come in?"

"Ena came in a little after I did. No one else has been here that I noticed"


Rui walks up to us, "So does that mean that the flower in Ena's shirt wasn't related to the murder at all?"

"Maybe," I respond, "But I just can't believe it! Airi acted so weird! That can't just be it!"

"Perhaps you have to wait until we gather more evidence. Maybe it'll fit into the puzzle once all the pieces are collected," Rui suggests.

"I guess you're right. Well, thanks for the information Mafuyu. Make sure you come to the class trial later."

"Mmhm," Mafuyu nods her head and lays back down in the flowers.

"Where should we go next?" I ask Rui.

"The cafeteria is pretty close to the first year's hallway. Perhaps there's something there."

I nod and we make our way to the cafeteria.

"Wonderhoy!" Emu greets us. She really surprised me and I kind of stand there in shock. I end up laughing and Rui does too.

"That's Emu for you," He says.

"Yay! I made Mizuki laugh! I know this isn't a very wonderhoy situation so I want to cheer everyone up!" Emu tells us.

"Well, thank you, Emu. I know that lifted my mood and I'm sure Mizuki feels the same," He thanks. I nod my head.

"Oh! By the way, I found some interesting evidence!" Emu tells us.

"Really?" I ask, "What is it?"

"Well, Tsukasa decided to get out a notepad to write down anything suspicious which I thought was a super-duper idea! But Tsukasa dropped his pencil and it rolled under the table so I crawled down to get it. There was sharp glass down there though! I cut my knee really badly on it!" Emu swings her leg up to show us that it'd been bandaged up, "Kanade came over to us with glass in her hands too! She said she found it near the body so I think they're definitely connected! I also found this rose petal down there too!" Emu pulls a pink rose from her pocket.

My eyes go wide, "Emu! That's great! I mean not cutting yourself but this is a really big lead! Thank you!'

Emu looks happy to have done something, "No problem!"

I look around and see Nene and Tsukasa. Tsukasa seems up to his usual shenanigans and Nene is trying to put up with him. Maybe I should help her out.

"Hey guys!" I say.

"Ah, Mizuki and Rui!" Tsukasa greets us.

Rui waves at them.

"We were wondering if you guys have any ideas," I ask.

"No, not really," Nene responds. "But the last I saw Ena she was sitting at the table right there with Airi," Nene points to a spot.

I look over at the table and sure enough I find the glass Emu was talking about under the table.

"So, Ena was killed here and carried to the closet," Rui states.

I nod, "I assume so. Unless she just dropped some glass but I doubt it."

We walk out of the cafeteria and decide to check out some rooms near the closet where we find the members of Leo/Need.

I ask Saki if she has any ideas.

"Well I think it's Mafuyu. She seems like the type to kill someone! Plus, no one has seen her since yesterday right? Suspicious if you ask me."

"Actually, we've seen Mafuyu lately. She was laying in a ton of flowers."

"Really? I bet she was trying to hide!" Saki exclaims.

"Well, do you have any ideas besides that? Found any clues?"

"Unfortunately not. I don't think any of these classrooms were involved."

"Well, have any of you seen Airi? I feel like there's something she isn't telling us," I ask them.

"I saw her and Shizuku chilling in the bathroom," Shiho calls out.

"Okay, bathroom it is next! Come on Rui!"

"Um, Mizuki. I can't go in there," Rui states making me feel really dumb, "Maybe you should go yourself and I'll keep looking through more classrooms. Sound goo-" Rui was cut off.

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Or not"

N/A: I'm sorry that I'm not that good at writing the investigations. Trust me when I say the investigations are going to be the worst part of this fic. But who do you think did it now that we have our information?

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