Where To Next?

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A/N: Sorry if this is a bit short! I just decided to upload what I had.

"So it was being hung up, I guess. Maybe it came down with the curtains."

"Oh, by the way," I hesitate not wanting it to sound like an accusation, "What were you doing when this happened? Kohane, Ichika, Saki, Honami, and I all have alibis."

"I was by myself writing songs like always," Kanade answers.

"You know always being by yourself makes this harder on all of us," I sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry," Kanade apologizes.

"No,no, it's okay. I trust you wouldn't kill anyone. But how come you never hang out with Mafuyu? We could use someone to keep an eye on her. As much as I don't want to suspect her, she's been acting weirder than usual."

"That's the problem," Kanade sighs, "She's acting even more distant than before. She doesn't want to sit with me."

"Hmm," I think. I wonder what's up with Mafuyu?

"Um..." Kohane starts, "Don't you think we should talk with Wonderlands x Showtime? They did set this whole thing up after all."

"So you suspect a Wonderlands x Showtime member, Kohane?" Kanade asks.

"NO NO! I mean umm... I don't want to accuse them of anything but, yes... they do seem suspicious," Kohane admits.

"Where did they go, Kanade?" I ask her.

"I think they took Tsukasa to his room to calm down," Kanade replies.

"Then should we go there?" I ask.

"It seems a little insensitive to ask right now considering how big of a reaction Tsukasa had..." Kohane worries

"Well they're going to have to explain themselves sooner or later considering the class trial will happen soon. Might as well get it over with," Kanade replies.

"Okay..." she answers.

"So, to Tsukasa's room?" I ask.

Kanade nods.

"Okay then."

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