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A/N: HI EVERYONE! GUESS WHO'S BACK! I felt so bad that I left you all hanging but I was just having trouble figuring things out because there were so many problems with the script written for this chapter. I think I smoothed out most of the problems but I decided to just go with it. SO HERE IT IS! I'M BACK!

It's 2. I haven't seen Kanade or Kohane at all. Where could they be?

I stare at my ceiling. There really isn't much to do here. We don't have any connection to the outside world, so it's not like I can just scroll social media. Maybe I should get up and look around. There has to be something waiting to be uncovered, right?

I finally get out of my bed and open the door. The halls are dead silent. No Kanade, no Kohane, no Mafuyu, no Rui, no anyone. I wonder what all of them are doing. Where can I even go? The garden room brings bad memories. We already spend so much time in the kitchen. Maybe I can look through that huge storage space again. I wonder if they have things like make-up?

I make my way to the storage closet once again. I've gotten used to this place already. Most of it is empty classrooms, so it's easy to memorize where the important things are.

When I get there, I hear someone inside, rummaging through materials.

"Hello?" I ask once I open the door.

I see a head of blonde hair pop up from behind piles of items taken off the shelves.

"Hi, Mizuki!" Saki waves at me.

"Hi... What are you doing?"

"Hm, oh I guess I've been a little stressed with this whole thing going on. I'm looking for hair products to help calm me down. I found a ton of things! You wanna let me try it out on you?"

Personally, I don't really trust Saki to do anything right now. She looks... different. Unstable. There's no way I'm letting that girl anywhere near my precious hair I spent so long growing out.

"Ah, I think I'm okay. I spent so long on it this morning, I'd hate to mess it up." I make an excuse.

"Awww. Come on! Then, do you at least wanna help me do mine?"

Is she not going to give up until I say yes?

"Sure... what do you need help with?"

"I'm not sure yet! I just want someone to talk to about it, I guess."

Saki goes on about how to style hair. I know most of what she was saying anyway but decide to let her go on anyway. She doesn't end up needing anything other than for me to hold up a mirror she had found. Saki ends up with two braids along the sides of her head rather than her normal pigtails.

"Isn't it so cute?"

"Yeah... It's great." I agree.

"Oh! What time is it?"

Saki runs out of the room and I find myself chasing her. She's staring at the clock on the wall just outside the room. "2:54" it reads.

"Oh! We have to go! We don't want to be late!"

"But what about the mess you made? Don't we need to pick it up?" I reason.

Saki glares at me. "This is more important."

"But the room isn't even that far..."

"This is more important," Saki restates firmly.

She grabs my hand and drags me to the band room. I decide it's best to just follow her.

"Why are you so insistent on being there on time?" I ask her.

"Well, Tsukasa told me not to come early, but isn't it also rude to be late? I'm so excited! I intend to be there the second it hits 3! Tsukasa is such a good brother! I'm so glad I have him!" Saki replies happily.

"Yeah..." I agree.

I keep glancing at the clocks on our way there and sure enough, we reach the room just as it's about to hit 3.

"I can't wait to sing with Tsukasa!!" Saki cheers.

Saki finally lets go of my hand when we get to the door. She hums happily as she turns the knob, but the second, it's open, the humming stops.

Saki collapses to her knees, and I can't believe my eyes.

*Ding dong bing bong!*

"A body has been discovered!"

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