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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating! I really want to finish this but I was feeling unmotivated. I promise this story will get finished even if it takes forever. This is just my least favorite section. We get through this and I'll probably post more often again. So let's power through this until we reach chapter 3!


A bright presence suddenly burst through the door with a familiar overly confident presence following behind.

"Ah! Emu and my brother! I should have known you'd be early!" Saki smiles.

I'm kind of surprised to see Rui and Nene aren't with them. I know Rui has been really protective of them the entire time we've been here. I hope nothing happened to him.

"Yeah!" Emu shouts, "We were just so excited! I can't wait to try the food! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!"

Tsukasa loudly agrees, "Uh-huh! I couldn't wait to spend time with my little sister!"

Shizuku, Minori, and Haruka were the next to arrive right on time.

After a few more minutes Rui and Nene arrived.

Some of us caught up a bit while we waited for more people. We don't want to eat before everyone is here, but I can see that Emu has been eyeing the food for the past 15 minutes and Rui seems to have had his attention caught by the sweets.

"Should we start eating?" I whisper to Saki, "I think Emu's about to burst at any given second."

"I'm sure more people will come though! I don't want them to miss out!" Saki whisper yells back.

"I'm not so sure. There's a very slim chance Mafuyu or Kanade will come, An and Kohane had something to do, and Toya might be able to drag Akito here but I doubt it," I explain.

"Oh," Saki says sadly. I guess she was hoping for everyone to show up.

"Cheer up! Your food is bound to make everyone here happy and we can bring some back to those who didn't come. Akito has a huge sweet tooth according to Ena..." We both sadden at the mention of her but quickly get back to the food.

"Okay! Who's ready to eat?" Saki asks everyone.

"Me!" Emu raises her hand and Rui chuckles at her.

Ichika hands everyone a paper plate and napkin and tells us to eat as much as we'd like.

Honami made sandwiches, salad, and wraps with turkey, chicken, tuna, and ham. There are also bags of chips. I guess Mikukuma really provided us with everything.

I watch Rui pick the lettuce out of his sandwich, give it to Emu, and whisper something to her. Emu grins widely, sneaks up behind Tsukasa, who was engaged in a conversation with Nene, and slips the lettuce down his shirt. Tsukasa stiffens and starts screaming, "WHAT DID YOU PUT DOWN MY SHIRT?! WHY IS IT SLIMY?!!! IS IT A BUG?!!!"

Everyone laughs at Rui and Emu's plan and Tsukasa is furious

Shizuku excuses herself to use the bathroom very briefly after drinking too much of her favorite soda while Honami unwraps the desserts. There are brownies, cookies, and cupcakes which all look amazing!

"How long have you been planning this, Honami?" Minori asks upon seeing the sweets, "These must have taken a while to make!"

"Since last night. I noticed how down everyone was and had an idea so I asked Saki to bake some sweets with me, which she ended up taking over by the end, and asked Shiho and Ichika to help too," Honami replies.

After Shizuku returns we all begin to eat our desserts.

"Wow! Saki! Homani! These are great!" Shizuki praises after taking a bite of her cupcake.

"They are quite good," Rui agrees.

Emu bounces happily while stuffing her face with sweets.

"I'm glad all of you like them!" Saki cheers.

"This was a great idea, Hona-" Ichika starts before she's cut off.

*Ding dong bing bong!*

"A body has been discovered!"

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