The Class Trial Begins!

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We go down and down and down. It feels like we're going down forever. Yup. This is it. We're going straight down to hell. Better say our goodbyes.

The elevator finally comes to a rough stop and the rust doors creak open. It reveals a room covered in vines in flowers. It's aged by time and breathtaking. Underneath its beauty is the pain of the class trial. The pain of all of us and anyone who has come before. There are many podiums placed in a circle. I try my best to hold back my tears as I see a picture of Ena with an X in blood across her face standing at one of the podiums.

"Welcome!" Mikukuma yells and we all look up at her. She's seated in a large throne, the only new item in the room while the Monokubs group around her in cheap plastic chairs that look like they'll break any second. I guess Mikukuma doesn't care for anyone, not even her own kind.

"Let's get this class trial started!"

No one has anything to say. No retaliations. We just comply and stand at a podium. I stand between An and Kanade.

"Hmm, you guys are a smart group, huh? You know that retaliation will do nothing but extend the time you have to spend here. Or perhaps I've broken all of your spirits already? That was sure quick!"

Broken out spirits? No. Far from it. Ena... She was my friend! I'm not going to let her murder go unavenged! We're going to find the bastard that killed her and show them no mercy. We'll find the killer no matter what! I can tell that's what most of us are thinking too!

"Welllll then! Let the class trial begin!" Mikukuma says excitedly!

Some of us nod to acknowledge we're listening and ready to start.

"Why don't we begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!" Mikukuma starts, "During the trial, you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for 'whodunnit'. Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and that person will graduate from the academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so you better vote for someone!"

Many of us tense at the reminder of what's really at stake here during the class trial.

"Now, let's get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!"

We all just kind of stare silently for a little.

"That's your cue to start," Mikukuma tells us.

No one wants to be the first to say something. Maybe I should-

"It's Airi."

Everyone whips their head toward Kanade.

"What?" Airi asks.

"I said, it's Airi," Kanade repeats.

"What?! Based on what proof?!" Airi yells.

"You've been acting way to suspicious," Kanade states.

"So you're accusing me over that?! I would never kill her! She was my best friend!" (*cough* girlfriend *cough*)

"Well if we're just throwing out accusations like that based off who's suspicious I volunteer Mafuyu!" Saki shouts.

Shiho nods her head, "Yeah! She was gone since last night and no one saw her until just now."

"I really don't care if you think it's me," Mafuyu says, "But while we're at it, I think it's Kanade."

"Based on what?" Kanade asks.

"Actually," Minori cuts in, "I agree with Mafuyu. The body was found in the closet right? Why were you even there in the first place? And the fact that you just accused Airi with no reason further proves my suspicion."

"Well I was there with good reason! I wanted a quiet place to compose. There's nothing suspicious about that," Kanade defends.

"That is a very Kanade thing to do," I defend, "There's no doubt that Kanade would do that. She even told me she was looking for a quiet place to compose."

"That still doesn't clear her name," Nene points out.

"I know, but there's no evidence she did it either. Why don't we start with alibi's?" I question.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Rui agrees.

"The Monokuma files say the body was discovered at 11:56 a.m. and the estimated time of death is 10:00 a.m." I point out, "So what was everyone doing around 10?"

"Me and Toya were together since we woke up. We briefly had a chat with the wxs group at one point too," Akito states.

Tsukasa nods, "Like Akito said, me, Rui, Nene, and Emu were together since breakfast and talked to Akito and Toya for a small time."

"Rui did leave to go to the bathroom at one point though," Nene points out, "It must've been too short for him to kill anyone though."

"Me and Ena shared her dorm since I was too scared. I was finally starting to calm down so she left me alone around 9:30 and then this happened..." Airi says.

"Me, Kohane, and Mizuki have been together since 9," An states.

"I was with Mizuki, An, and Kohane from 8:30 to 9," Kanade says, "I was by myself until I discovered the body.

"We were all together," Ichika says, "Me, Saki, Honami, and Shiho."

"I was with Shizuku and Minori this morning," Haruka adds.

We all look at Mafuyu.

"Don't even bother asking her," Saki says, "We all know she disappeared off and no one saw her."

"Actually," Mafuyu corrects, "I did see one person a little after 9."

"Really?" Honami asks.

"Well don't just stand there!" Saki demands, "Tell us who it was!"

"It was Ena."

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