The Court Yard

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*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Or not"

"Alright! It's time for what you've all been waiting for- the class trial!" Mikukuma comes over the speakers, "Please follow the music to the assembly point! You'll know it when you see it! From there, you'll be escorted to a delightful class trial! Hehehe! See you all there!"

Music starts playing and I recognize it as Finders Keepers. The choice of song unsettles me.

The sounds echo throughout the hall as Rui and I follow it.

If you'd like to listen

"Hey, there

You thought I'd forget her?

I expected better from the likes of you

I guess I should have know"

This song...

"Maybe a redemption is not out of the question

It's not that hard to be a nice and upstanding person

Thinking 'bout a universe where none of this happened

Anything's better than this

It's mortifying!"

It feels like it's predicting something.

"Hey, there

Is anybody here?

I've been cowering in fear

At the thought of you"

I don't like it.

"Finders, keepers, losers, weepers

I know you're not naive

Unbelievers, hiders, seekers

But you ignore it all!"

It's getting louder. We must be close.

"Overachievers, dirty cheaters"


"Just look, you've been deceived"


"Followers and then the leader"

Almost there

"I don't forgive you either."

The last line specifically unsettles me

We reach a room painted in bright colors and music notes. It leads to a court yard with a glass dome covering the top. You can see the stars quite well from here. It really is beautiful. This is no time to admire the beauty though. An even greater beauty has been murdered and we must find the culprit. No matter what it takes!

"Mizuki!" And greets me, "You're here!"

"That means everyone is here but Mafuyu," Saki points out.

As if summoned, Mafuyu walks through the doors right on cue.

"That's everyone!" Minori says.

We sit there waiting for a few seconds. I take this time to examine the situation.

Airi is clinging to Shizuku while Haruka and Minori stand nearby. Akito looks annoyed while Toya and Kohane stand near him. They're quite similar. I can tell they're both distressed, though Kohane doesn't even attempt to hide it. Mafuyu is, well, Mafuyu. Tsukasa, Emu, Nene stand close and keep glancing my way. Probably because Rui is with me. Kanade looks weird. She looks blank. Almost like Mafuyu. Did she... realize something? Maybe she's known this whole time. Saki keeps glancing at Mafuyu while Shiho gives her a dirty look and the other two try not to look. An and Rui stand on either side of me.

Suddenly Akito speaks up, "Well what now?"

He looks irritated. I guess all his grief manifested into anger and irritation.

"I'm not sure," Ichika says, "Mikukuma said we'd be escorted from here. I don't see her though."

Suddenly it feels as if an earthquake has started.

Tsukasa lets out a scream and clings to Emu while Minori also clings to Haruka.

"What's happening?!" Haruka screams.

We all draw our attention toward a wall that crumbles to pieces and reveals an old rusty door behind it. We all stare. No one wants to open it. I consider doing it myself but Mafuyu walks forward without hesitation and pulls the handle. The door creaks loudly. (Can't be louder than my closet door. That thing screams in agony every time it's opened) Some eagerly try to look inside while others avoid looking. It looks like another small room. Mafuyu, of course, walks straight in. We all stare waiting for Mafuyu to come out or give us some sort of indication that it's safe. But knowing Mafuyu, we won't be getting any of that. Kanade steps up next and stands in the door frame for a second before walking in too. I decide to go next. I trust Kanade. Rui follows me and the rest of wxs follows Rui.

"It's an elevator," Nene points out.

Nene is right. There's a panel with buttons. Well, most of them have out of order signs over them. Only 2 don't. One says 1 and the other says -0. Yeah I don't trust this. I'm out.

Unfortunately, the rest of us have entered and the doors start closing. Well, floor -0 it is then. Are we sure this isn't going to delete us from life?

Down we go then, I guess.

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