Defying Me?

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is really short but that just because I wanted this small scene to be a seperate chapter. There'll be another one out soon.

Also this chapter is NOT MIZUKI POV

There's a knock on the door. I walk to the door, open it, and someone walks in, closing the door behind them.

Oh! It's $%&*@$! I'm so happy they came to visit me!

"Welcome, $%&*@$! What brings you here?"

"Please! Can we stop this?!"

Oh? Are they defying me?

"Hm? Why would we stop?"

"You told me this would bring hope! You said it was all for @#^&%*! But nothing about this is hopeful!"

"Hm? Of course it is! Just wait and see!"

"PEOPLE CLOSE TO ME ARE DEAD! I can't go on like this..."

"Can't go on? Oh, but you don't have a choice! You know, I'm rather sad you haven't followed through with our deal yet."

"And if I don't?"

"Hm, I guess I'll be forced to dispose of you. Actually, maybe I'll just have to kill everyone along with you! That's quite the motivation isn't it?"


Hehe. That sure seems to have stopped them! Good job, me!

"So... Kill one person... Or everyone goes! Got it?"


"Great! Let us spread hope together!"

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